RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
07-11-2016, 09:53 PM
VIII am not a clock, fyVIII...
IX wIXll count up endlessly. And maybe, some day, IX wIXll reach the hIXghest and most prestIXgIXous letter.
((Also, X am grateful that X can keep thXs relatXvely sXmple gXmmXck; the other one X had as a backup would have been way too dXffXcult))
IX wIXll count up endlessly. And maybe, some day, IX wIXll reach the hIXghest and most prestIXgIXous letter.
((Also, X am grateful that X can keep thXs relatXvely sXmple gXmmXck; the other one X had as a backup would have been way too dXffXcult))