RE: IRC highlights!
07-07-2012, 07:55 AM
In which we discuss the excitement potential of babies:
Quote:<DragonFogel> So, what's exciting and new?
<Loather> a baby
<wheat> how is a baby exciting
<wheat> they don't do much that's impressive, and there's already too goddamn many of them
<Loather> They are wild and unpredictable
<wheat> wild animals also have babies and they are unpredictable
<wheat> but they also have the sense to get out of rain if left outside
<Loather> stupidity can be dangerous, and danger is exciting
<wheat> boredom can drive people to do insane things
<wheat> boredom is dangerous
<wheat> danger is exciting
<wheat> boredom is exciting
<Loather> sometimes
<DragonFogel> Is excitement boring?
<Loather> s o m e t i m e s . . .
<Schazer> Wheat, we don't escape the rain as babies because we're smart
<Schazer> as uh
<Schazer> counterintuitive as that sounds
* theFoot ( Quit (Quit: theFoot)
<DragonFogel> How's that work?
<Schazer> advanced intelligence is our main tool in our survival toolkit
<Schazer> but if that were developed to its fullest extent before a baby was born its head would be too large to fit through a woman's pelvic cavity
<wheat> well, we're smart then, but babies are not
<Schazer> and that's why we carry our babies out of the rain
<wheat> they are an undeveloped mess that we have to incubate further after they are born
<wheat> so that is not inherently exciting
<Schazer> if God made people he'd give women wide enough hips to pass the skull of something with an adolescent's mental development
<Schazer> instead, people are a mucky pastiche patchwork of slow improvements to an ancestral model
<wheat> it is like waiting for paint to dry, except the paint could wander off into a swimming pool and destroy itself
<DragonFogel> I have to wonder how comfortable that would be just on a day-to-day basis.
<wheat> at any moment if you keep your eye off it
<Schazer> so it's like a watched pot never boils but it sometimes spits a bit of oil and sets the curtains on fire
<wheat> a pot you have to watch for years
<Schazer> and you can have multiple pots
<Schazer> just a great bubbling stovetop of misery
<wheat> yes, I get it, you are still a baby. You were a baby yesterday. You are still a baby today.
<DragonFogel> Wait a minute now.
<wheat> goo goo gaa gaa go go fuck yourself
<DragonFogel> If we want the paint to dry, why are we boiling it in a pot?
<DragonFogel> I mean, I guess it'll dry on the pot, but that doesn't help the walls.
<Loather> And what if I don't have curtains?
<DragonFogel> Then your neighbors are spying on you.
<Schazer> then you clearly designed your house with only pot-boiling in mind
<wheat> you shouldn't have been irresponsible enough to cook a pot in the first place
<Loather> I could have shades
<Loather> or blinds
<Loather> or one of those little door things some windows have
<Loather> or really dark screens
<Loather> or tinted windows
<DragonFogel> Or no windows at all.
<Loather> Yes!
<Loather> Maybe I placed my kitchen in what was meant to be a closet. What then?
<Loather> Or I could start a fire outside and boil the pot there.
<DragonFogel> No you can't, it's raining.
<DragonFogel> Pay attention, geez.
<Loather> Nobody said it was raining hard enough to extinguish fires.
<DragonFogel> But your fire might wander off and fall into the swimming pool.
<Loather> I didn't light the baby on fire!
<Loather> I just boiled it.
<Loather> Maybe it is YOU who should pay attention?