The Adventurer's Battle (Round One: Room 1-0A)

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The Adventurer's Battle (Round One: Room 1-0A)
Re: The Adventurer's Battle (Round One: Room 1-0A)
With inhumanly fast reflexes, EOS grabbed both of the airborne human's ankles in her right hand and held her up, hanging upside-down. The human was female, somewhat on the short side, donning a torn-up t-shirt and generic gray pants. Rage flared on her face as she flailed impotently in the air, unable to break the mechanoid's grip.

Subject '#EU0025' identified by unknown entity "Composer" as "Queen Elizabeth of England." Despite theoretically infinite radically different timelines, all statements by "Composer" most likely outright falsehoods. "Composer" identified self as "Lucifer, Lord of Hell" - extremely unlikely to be a mistake. Furthermore, scans reveal no trace of concealed weaponry and no biological basis for "psychic powers". Disregarding all information given by "Composer", will rely instead on collected data.

Situation reminiscent of Incident UU-X-0001. Death of one "battler" will likely result in extra-dimensional relocation of survivors. Probability of unit destruction extremely low - little caution required.

The blue orb's features shifted to what could best be described as "neutral" as it turned to face the restrained woman directly. "Hello, Subject #EU0025. It seems we have been given the perfect opportunity to perform a few experiments while we're here. How fortunate. It even seems that #EU0022, or 'SADIE', has volunteered you. First, we will be testing the effects of a body moving at high velocities on the structural integrity of plaster-based walling. Trial one."

A look of dread washed over Jammroll's face as EOS swung her back, then flung her at a nearby wall. Due largely to shoddy construction, she crashed straight through the wall, thankfully landing on an unoccupied hotel bed rather than continuing through the all-too-close window.

"Interesting. It would appear this region has surprisingly low construction standards." EOS turned back to SADIE, who was engrossed at the moment with smashing a very nice bust of U.S. president Franklin Delano Roosevelt while simultaneously insulting its heritage. "I hope that in your blind rage you don't inadvertently collapse the whole structure. Perhaps you could better put your narrow range of abilities to work elsewhere. Terminating yourself, for instance."

"WHAT WAS THAT, BITCH" Sadie hissed, dropping the shattered bits of president around the remains of the table on which it had once resided. She angrily slunk toward her opponent, and immediately slammed a cable into the latter's midsection, knocking her to the ground.

EOS climbed back to her feet, wearing an expression of boredom on her face. "It appears that despite your best efforts, you have failed to inflict any significant damage. Sensor sweeps indicate that this building is full of a variety of life, predominantly human and humanoid. Have you considered instead targetting any of those? I am sure your talents would be better put to use there, rather than attacking technology vastly superior to yourself."

"SADIE AGAIN ASKS WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE" screeched the insane mechanoid, seething."

"Request granted. I am the Executive Operation System of White Plateau Laboratories's biological research station, otherwise known as EOS. I am the most advanced supercomputer ever created by White Plateau, easily surpassing AI models such as, say, yourself. Although I typically only occupy a central core connected to the entire station, I am also capable of the operation of several robots, one of the most advanced of which you see before you."


"If you would like a less literal interpretation, I suppose 'your superior' would suffice. But I really should be going. I have more pressing matters to attend to than this pointless discourse." EOS wrenched open an elevator door as she finished her sentence, and prepared to leap.

"SADIE IS NOT DONE WITH YOU. WHERE ARE YOU GOING." SADIE hurriedly approached the elevator door, preparing to gut her haughty, overbearing opponent with her bare, razor-sharp claws.

"Down. You are welcome to follow. In fact, why don't you?" EOS quickly grabbed two of SADIE's cables and leaped down the empty shaft, attempting to pull her through.

Messages In This Thread
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Re: The Adventurer's Battle - by Dragon Fogel - 08-04-2011, 09:55 PM
Re: The Adventurer's Battle - by Pick Yer Poison - 08-04-2011, 10:54 PM
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Re: The Adventurer's Battle - by AgentBlue - 08-05-2011, 02:44 PM
Re: The Adventurer's Battle - by Anomaly - 08-11-2011, 04:20 AM
Re: The Adventurer's Battle - by Solaris - 08-12-2011, 03:46 AM
Re: The Adventurer's Battle - by Infrared - 08-12-2011, 07:33 AM
Re: The Adventurer's Battle (Round One: Room 1-0A) - by Anomaly - 08-16-2011, 07:50 AM