Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [I got sloppy]
(06-24-2016, 08:13 PM)ForestGardener Wrote: »Hmm. The obvious answer is yes: cooperate with Zettai, expand the party, get a partner who knows the local culture, history, and lay of the land, combat situations more likely meaning Jarod would likely level up faster and have more opportunity/reason to use his sanity sapping abilities.

On the other hand, this will make it even harder to make Jarod act crazy than it already is with two rational suggesters, as Jikkai will definitely notice his behavior and we want to stay in her and the queen's good graces for now.

Overall, >sure

"U-um...sure." Jarod pauses long enough to realize that's a confusing answer. "I-I mean, not a-at--I wouldn't mind, I mean."

A little later, back in the castle, the queen has sent the old man off to do...something they must have discussed in his basement, and has Jikkai lie down on a bed with a chair pulled up next to it. She remains silent while she uses some kind of psionic power to induce sleep and start work on Jikkai's subconscious connection to her body, but after a moment seems to have enough concentration to spare on a conversation. "So...the jobs I mentioned last time* are basically still around. I got someone to confirm the bandit camp's location, I bet with Jikkai's help you could take 'em out. Or if you want to go monster hunting, that's fine too. I guess I could look something else up if you don't wanna do either of those. While you think about that...maybe you could satisfy my curiosity a little?"
"Erm..h-how do you mean?" Jarod goes from awkwardly standing to one side to sitting on another bed in the room, still where Zettai can turn her head to look at him.
"Well..I got a chance to meet with some of the other players in your session proper. They didn't say anything about reading their minds being difficult, and as far as I can tell it wasn't. I...don't think you're Numeral either though, right?"
He nods slowly. "Um..I h-have been, li-living on their planet for..s-several years now."

"I don't want to pry but I am very curious. I promise I mean you no harm even if you were supposedly an enemy of my people or something."
Jarod thinks for a long moment, and nods even more slowly. "W-would you be, familiar with the...C-Ceazans**?"
"Hmm.." The Numeral thinks for a long moment, or possibly has reached a delicate part of her work and has to focus on that. Either way, afterward she says, "I think I remember a news story from when I was maybe a few revolutions old? It only said that a potential threat...calling themselves..something like that, had been wiped out."
"Th-that was..what you were supposed to believe. W-we didn't know it until we encountered your people, but we h-have a natural immunity to ps-psionic abilities, especially th-things like mind reading or mind control. I d-didn't really learn this firsthand. Several young people of my race were s-sent through an ex-experimental, uh..transport thing, toward other planets thought to contain life. We were each sent with...a message explaining our people's history and ins-structing us to st-stay where we were, try to get along with any p-people we found, and and try to prepare the world we were on for..uh.." He pauses for a long moment. "F-for a Numeral attack."

The queen nods. "I don't think you have anything to worry about now. I don't want to hurt you and as far as I know my people aren't a threat anymore. For what it's worth though, I'm sorry they did that to you."
"Y-yeah." Jarod thinks he would rather change the subject than continue this conversation just now.


*-the original job list, for reference.


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