RE: Full Immersion [how do you manage]
06-24-2016, 04:55 PM
(06-20-2016, 05:47 AM)ForestGardener Wrote: »>So Jikkai, you're an agent of the queen? What did/do you do?
(06-20-2016, 02:22 PM)martialAcademic Wrote: »>How did you meet Zettai?
"Um...i-it seems like, you like the Queen a lot?"
"Sure," she nods. "Don't you?"
"W-well, I mean, I was c-curious how you met her."
"Oh, well. My mom died young, my dad was a brigand. Brought me up more or less like another a' his kind. I, ah, did some things in my youth I wouldn't be too proud of now.
"Before Her Majesty took the throne, she was going around doing good deeds. She caught my dad's whole crew, me included, without hurtin' anyone. But, y'know, in a way that made it pretty clear she coulda hurt us if she wanted. My dad an' the rest she turned over to the authorities, but she vouched for me. Claimed I'd jus' been innocently dragged along, y'know? And hired me on to help her out with stuff."
"You're not, uh..u-upset she got your f-father locked up?"
"Pfft. Dad's an ***hole!" She says it as if holding back a laughing fit, before taking a breath to calm down. "Pardon, language. I guess I was upset for a little while, but once I understood what it was we'd been doing to people who hadn't done no wrong I knew exactly what side o' the law I wanted to be on. An' I'm eternally grateful to Her Majesty for givin' me the chance to decide."
"U-um..d-do you, get upset if other people d-don't call her, 'Her Majesty'?" This seems like a good thing to get straight early on.
"Nah. Funny thing, it's been my nickname for her since way back then. It was sarcastic at first, but yeah, 's pretty hilarious how it turned into her real title an' all. I will get upset if somebody disrespects her, though, don' get me wrong."
They are nearly to the top, but Jikkai needs another brief rest. Jarod says, "Uh, w-what kind of work did you do for Zettai? Uh..I-I mean she just s-sort of gave me a list of p-possible jobs to try and f-finding the man who, uh r-revived you was the first one I picked."
She shrugs. "That's more 'r less how my jobs went, but my list was all monsters 'n criminals that needed a taste of my blades. That list got a lot longer the last couple months...or, the last couple months I remember." Jikkai sighs. "Think I tried to do one too many in too short a time. I got tired, an' I got sloppy."
They continue the rest of the way up the steps and out of the secret passage. The reconstructed girl looks thoughtful at first, and then a bit sad. "In this..condition, I'm not sure if I'll be much use to Her Majesty at all."
"I wouldn't worry about that." Jarod jumps at the sudden appearance of the queen's voice as she walks out of the passage, the old man following behind her. Jikkai doesn't look all that surprised, though. "From what our new friend here tells me, your subconscious just isn't entirely used to your body yet. I should be able to fix that with an hour or two of work." She moves a little closer, putting an arm over Jikkai's shoulder. "You may take a while to get as good with your blades as you were before, but you'll figure it out. Besides, I'm just glad to have you back at all." The old man seems relatively calm; in fact, he's smiling a bit. Jarod can't suppress a bit of doubt that his mood changed this much from only talk. Zettai removes her cloak and hands it to her agent. "Here, put this on. I don't think the world is ready for your new look just yet."
Jikkai nods, putting it on; it obscures her features just as well as it did the queen's. "Are we headin' back to the castle for now, Your Majesty?"
They take the road toward the castle quietly for a few minutes. Zettai finally says, "So, Jikkai...ever since I found out it was you who'd been put back together again, I had an idea. How would you like to work with Jarod here for a while? I feel like you might complement each other a bit."
"I'll do whatever you wan' me to, Your Majesty. You know I ain't too picky."
"Yeah, but would you like it?"
"Sure, I guess," she nods. "We don't know each other too well but he seems solid enough."
Zettai looks at Jarod. "You wouldn't mind having someone with you who knows how to fight, would you?"