Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.

Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
RE: Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
I've mentioned this a few places, but we recently did an interview with All Night Laundry author jack_fractal

I bring it up here, because jack had some really great comments about making an adventure, how to update regularly, how to foster quality suggestions and discussion, how forum adventures relate to role playing games and more stuff like that.

Even if you haven't read all night laundry, there's a good 30 minutes of spoiler-free podcast to check out. I recommend it for anyone who makes or enjoys adventures (of course I am biased, having put it together)

We ended up referencing and commenting on several other adventures, Waterworks, Art of Domination, and Lucidstuck in particular. We even got to quote you solekii!

I'm interested to hear if folks agree with what was said, or if you have any comments otherwise. The podcast is about 90 minutes but there are some shownotes with key points and timestamps if you want to check out specific parts.

Thanks for listening!

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