RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
07-01-2012, 07:52 PM
Alright, I've been wrestling with this technical problem with my record player where the quiet parts would cut out entirely since I got it. It disappeared for no explicable reason then disappeared until now, and I decided that if this was going to be a recurrent problem I should solve it. It took two devoted days of switching around every plug, surge protector, and using canned air anywhere dust could get caught, but it turned out my microphone had a little "audio enhancements" checkbox checked, and I guess the point of that was that if you're speaking background noise gets cut out. I unchecked it and VIOLA, the fade-outs in songs were whole again. (Also there was a little "quality" drop-down menu above it that I changed from the lowest setting to the highest setting and it blew my mind.)