The Big Damn Fight

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The Big Damn Fight
RE: The Big Damn Fight- Humanity's Only Hope!
Noise found herself in a long metal corridor, and not a sleek and shiny metal corridor, but rather a dull and functional metal corridor. One side of the corridor had a long window looking out into the blackness of space, patterned only with the light of distant stars. Noise punches the window and screams. Not really loud, and not really hard for that matter. Noise is more than aware she could probably tear straight through here, but she has a little frustration to work of. Punching things generally works, though punching things at a reduced velocity rarely has any real impact.

“Fuck!” Noise yells. What the heck was that? Some kind of genetic experiment? A quick list of known things about Margot:

1. It’s name is apparently Margot.

2. It has the capacity to teleport others, it would seem over a long distance. It’s impossible to know how far she is away from Rosid but unless there’s an illusionist involved as well it seems a fair bet to Noise that she’s in space now, and that was just two ports. That’s pretty impressive.

3. It’s surprisingly sturdy. It didn’t even blink when she punched it in the eye. Granted she didn’t resonate but even so...

Oh and 4. It wants her to kill some people she’s never met, and that just seems rude.

Suddenly there was a scream for help; a girl’s voice, somewhere nearby. Semi-relieved to have a clear objective Noise leapt into action. She became a thrumming wall of sound rushing down the long corridor, through several sets of tightly sealed electronic doors and into the room in which the scream had originated, and was there before the scream even ended.

Noise snapped back to physicality, a little disorientated. It’s difficult to parse your surroundings when you are living noise moving at the speed of sound. Other sounds are easy, but physical objects, living beings etcetera, they’re tough. Not that she really knows what to make of what she sees before her even back in physical form. It’s some kind of being looming over a girl, about her own age and the girl looks terrified. Noise doesn’t have the time or inclination to question the situation further. She makes a fist, resonates for a split second and swings as hard and fast as she can.

The creature, whatever it was, is now paste, sticky purple paste splattered across the room. Before this impromptu redecoration the room had been well, mostly metal much like the corridor that led here, but also with splashes of pink. There had been nothing that most would call ‘luxurious’ in the room but it would have been clear that someone had been at least trying to make an effort to make it seem cozy. If it wasn’t for all the unpleasant purple ooze.

The girl screamed again because that seemed like a pretty appropriate reaction at this point.

Messages In This Thread
The Big Damn Fight - by Hellfish - 06-08-2016, 05:27 AM
RE: The Big Damn Fight - by Schazer - 06-08-2016, 07:32 AM
RE: The Big Damn Fight - by AgentBlue - 06-08-2016, 07:41 AM
RE: The Big Damn Fight - by Sai - 06-18-2016, 08:56 AM
RE: The Big Damn Fight- SIGNUPS OPEN - by Gatr - 06-10-2016, 02:42 AM
RE: The Big Damn Fight- SIGNUPS OPEN - by Colby - 06-17-2016, 01:49 AM
RE: The Big Damn Fight- Humanity's Only Hope! - by Ixcaliber - 06-18-2016, 03:08 PM