Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [you work for me]
(06-12-2016, 10:16 PM)martialAcademic Wrote: »>Answer the scary lady.
(06-17-2016, 02:35 AM)ForestGardener Wrote: »>Very. As in, two days. Say you have amnesia.

... To which Jikkai will probably respond that Zettai could get his memories back.

>In that case, say amnesia was more plausible. It's complicated, you don't understand it yourself, and anyone in this country would understand it even less. That's not an insult but a fact of culture differences.

"Uh..yeah, you c-could say that," he says. "I-I mean, t-two days ago I appeared in a field s-somewhere, and I d-don't know how I got there."
"What, you lost your memory? I guess Her Majesty offered to fix it or somethin'?"
"Well, no. I-it's...complicated," says Jarod. "I do t-tell most people it's amnesia because, because it's simpler, and m-makes more sense, to p-people around here, than...Sh-she knows the uh, the whole story." Good, good, he thinks. Shift the burden of coming up with the rest to someone who seems good at coming up with that sort of thing.
"Ah, well, it's good enough for me if Her Majesty trusts ya."

Jikkai pauses and he waits, allowing her to catch her breath for a moment. They have made it about halfway up the stairs; there haven't been any particularly loud noises from the lab below, just what seems like casual talking. Hashing out details, he guesses.

Shortly after they begin moving again, she says,"Hey, weird question, buut...how do you manage with a tail exactly?"
"I didn't exactly have one before, 's what I mean."
"Well, i-it just sorta..." Jarod tries to consider how having a tail makes sense, considering that he doesn't normally have one either. "I g-guess it's...mostly unconscious? I don't th-think about it, like, y-you don't think about how to mo, move your a-arms and legs to run."
"I guess I'll adjust somehow or other. You're not still nervous, are you? Or is that just..."
He nods. "It's j-just how I talk, sorry."

Jarod gets an idea: It might deter her from asking more about him if he uses the rest of the trip to ask her about herself...


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