Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:>I can't believe that worked.

It really shouldn't be that surprising. You've proved time and time again that no matter the situation you will always be able to think your way out of any danger. Your brilliant performance up to now with absolutely no notable mistakes or slip-ups should be proof enough. An uninformed person might try to point out that your perfectly executed seductive flirtations on that misshapen car-freak copy of you had nothing to do with how he was actually dispatched and that you were just lucky that the other misshapen electro-freak version of you just happened to tumble through the portal trapdoor at the right moment. That person would be dead wrong. And stupid. And ugly. It is blatantly obvious that on some subconscious level you were aware that was going to happen and maneuvered Motor-Joe using your salacious presentation into just the right spot for the problem to solve itself. It's actually very likely that your flirting was the direct cause of Mr. Sparkums descending in just such a way to fall through at that exact moment. Once again, your keen mind solved another problem before it even began. The world is a jigsaw puzzle you've already pieced together. There is no way these words will ever come back to bite you.

Quote:>Quickly devise a plan to catch the Car-You while leaving the Wire-You behind so that you and your one true love can be reunited!

You're not exactly sure why you'd want to follow him, considering the problem he presented has now been thoroughly solved. You might have gone a little overboard with your displays of faux affection, but there's really no sense in only going half way, right? Yeah okay, you actually did start loosing yourself in the role a little there towards the end. That happened a few times, actually. Like that one time you decided to pose as an office worker because you needed unrestricted access to a photocopier for a little something you were cooking up and refused to go to a copy-shop. You ended up living a happy, productive life for several months and even went on a few dates with your boss in a forbidden workplace romance. You eventually remembered what you actually went there for and remedied the situation by stealing the photocopier and filling your boss's entire office with butterscotch pudding. That all being said, you still don't know what the whole deal with the Car-you and Wire-you is. The burning questions of: “Why are they here?” and “What are they?” are still lingering in the air. Normally you wouldn't care enough beyond the fact you beat them in a game of wits, but they might very well be the reason you were sent out here, so it's worth investigating in addition to investigating the shack itself. If you wanted to catch up with them, the quickest way would be to go up through the trapdoors, since they're all portals that loop back around, you could meet them halfway. Though, that does come with the problem that you'd end up having another encounter sooner than you'd like with the added trouble of having to deal with both of them instead of solo. That, and the chance that you might end getting caught up in their never ending ball of descending bruises. They're falling faster than it will take you to climb down and investigate other rooms, so even if you take your time, you'll still run into them again later down the line. That also comes with the added bonus of the longer you wait the more softened up they'll be from their constant, jarring tumble injuries.

Quote:>Investigate the wall in more detail. There's probably some way through.

It is a curious thing seeing the entire outside world cease to exist and replaced with a crudely painted cement backdrop. You are absolutely sure that this was the room you first entered in. You fell down two levels of trapdoors and climbed back up two levels. It even had your fake-gun lying on the floor where you dropped it. The only explanation you can think of is someone managing to put this giant cement box together during your brief struggle with Wire-you. You are first tempted to write that off as an impossibility, but the knowledge that there are scientifically improbable portals involved keeps pushing that to the wayside. You quickly peer out of several holes and cracks in the shack's walls. The possibility of the windows being replaced by portals and you seeing out someplace else crosses your mind, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as you can make out the cement walls from that venue as well. The theory of these portals being broken crosses your mind again. Physically changing the places you've just been is not the proper way for portals to function, you've seen the movies. This is most certainly the result of poor craftsmanship.
You slowly push the front door open and peek out. Sure enough, you are greeted by the sight of a cement wall covered in the drippy painting of what is supposedly meant to be a tree. There is also a large floodlight propped up on a stand with it's back against the wall, this is undoubtedly the light source intended to “fool” you into thinking this is a late night forest scene bathed in moonlight. As you step out into the false rain provided by the slipshod sprinkler system on the ceiling, you are surprised to find the drizzle to be pleasantly warm like a shower. The rain also smells like pool water. Someone went through the trouble of sterilizing this water before using it. That's... slightly baffling; did it really matter? You also spot several drains the water is escaping through. The possibly of the water being pumped back up to be reused in the sprinklers crosses your mind. Once you approach the wall you place one hand against it and rap on it with the knuckles of the other. You follow the wall around in a perimeter trying to find any weak or hollow spots. No dice, it's completely solid all the way around. Your little trip did provide you with other info, though. The cement room appears to be twice as large as the shack itself, the walls are always ten paces away from the shack in every direction. Also, while you were walking around, you noticed a difference in the perspective when you look through the windows of the shack. When you first arrived, you were ever-so-slightly disappointed and fairly annoyed to find out that the shack was actually smaller on the inside rather than larger like you were promised, after peering through the windows you've realized that the shack is now properly proportioned internally and externally. It no longer posses impossible dimensions of any description. It's now just a completely ordinary shack. A completely ordinary shack surrounded by an impenetrable concrete box that wasn't there a few minutes ago.

Quote:> Follow them through the portals. You can't let your motorized soul mate get away so easily! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED!

You step back inside and start preparing for your next course of action. You've decided to descend down through the trapdoors for now and see if you can find anything that might give you a clue as to why you were sent here and also how to escape. You'll deal with the two wannabes when they loop back around from their tumble trip. You get an odd thought, other than their unpleasant appearance, you don't know anything about the abomination copies. Particularly the one you completely successfully flirted with and whoever says otherwise is a damn liar. The Motor-you could be an eccentric billionaire and this is just what he does on weekends for kicks. Judging by what you keep hearing in the news, this type of behavior doesn't seem all that farfetched for a wealthy celebrity. You may very well have stumbled onto a possible goldmine here. If you manage to catch up to him and resume your flirting, you could have marriage material on your hands. You wouldn't stay married, of course; married life just isn't for you, you're a free spirit. You'll just just pop the question, take the ring, then stick it our for a year or two before finally getting a quick divorce and running off with everything he owns. You know some people, if you play your cards right, get a good lawyer, and have a few side projects cooking, you could potentially even get away with taking the lion's share of everything. Don't count your solid gold chickens before they hatch, one step at a time. You'll first have to find a way of nonchalantly asking him what his income and net worth is. Maybe if you manage to get to a base or two you can get away with rummaging through his wallet and breaking into his bank account. A new wave of resolve bolsters your current TENTATIVELY BRAVE status that will prevent a lesser status from changing it. You gaze down into the seemingly endless trapdoor tunnel and prepare to steel yourself for the trial ahead. You are about to begin your descent, but first-

Quote:>Piddle in the corner first, though.

When you gotta go, you gotta go.
You are suddenly overcome by a wave of discomfort. You didn't think much of it before, but you've been holding it since the swarm of snakes started eating each other. It's a miracle you didn't wet yourself during your first encounter with the Wire-you. Regardless, the tank has just hit maximum capacity, and you need to take care of it. NOW. You begin shifting your weight from one foot to another as you desperately glance around the room. Of course there isn't going to be a restroom, there hasn't been one for the entire time you were tooling around in here. You might have to resort to doing the unthinkable. You might have to go straight on the ground like an animal. Your attention slips to the falling water outside. You make a dash for the door. If you must go without aid of facilities, you're certainly not going to do it indoors. You're not a savage like some people you could name. You step back outside into the pleasantly warm drizzle of false rain and quickly head over to a corner. A wave of release washes over you as the source of your discomfort drains away. It's not so bad, the running water from the sprinklers above quickly rinses it all down one of the several drains. You remember a thought you had earlier, about the possibility of all the water going down the drain being pumped back up to the sprinklers. That thought is pushed a side by the realization that you are now potentially being drenched in a shower of your own pee. You quickly run back inside and elect to never think about this again.
Eager to leave all that behind you, you carefully descend down the trapdoor into the next room; being careful not to slip on any of the motor oil the Motor-you left behind as a result of him “bleeding”. When you get in the lower room you see it is much the same as the one you just left. The major differences being considerably less motor oil puddled around the floor and the window isn't broken. Actually, about the windows, you still don't see the outside world; you don't even see the poorly made concrete backdrop this time. Now, through the windows, you see other identical shack rooms.

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<Noise Lights is now completely caught up and user submitted commands may begin anew. Like a phoenix from the flame and other similar kinds of poetic imagery. Go nuts, go crazy, and have fun.>

Messages In This Thread
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 06-16-2016, 04:39 AM