[The Delve] 07/01/16: A Visitor In A Strange Land

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[The Delve] 07/01/16: A Visitor In A Strange Land
[The Delve] 06/11/16: Where We See Aino's Cubicle
Quote:>You'll have to leave your arms behind then
>Humans only? I didn't know you were a purist
>Besides I already told Ibris I'm taking them out to eat after work
> Nah, you're already committed to something else.
>You cannot break your promise to Ibris; you have to rely on that bird and that means building trust.

>Is "after work" earlier than "after hours?" Might you be able to do both?
>Sorry, I have appointment already

Making new friends would be important, and Liam is kinda cute (if he is talking about the person you are thinking of), but something about this guy rubs you the wrong way. Besides, you have an earlier commitment.

[Image: img22.png]

“You know, Bob-”
“Rob. It’s short for Robbie.”
“Robbie, I-”
“Robbie’s short for Robert, Robert Robawanga. Good ol’ Ro-Ro, that’s what they call me! But do go on?”
“Robbie isn’t actually shorter thananyways the hybrids are our colleagues and friends, don’t you think that saying ‘humans only’ sounds a little...hmm?”
“Oh no, I don’t have any trouble with those guys, they’re totally fine! It’s just nice to have an all-human company once in a while so you can chat about human business without misunderstandings and frankly I’m not fond of giving long explanations, see?”
“...right. What is human business exactly?”
“You know, stuff. Like sportsball or who’s dating who-”
“Oh I cannot help you on that front, I’m single-”
“-m, and that’s great, so’s Liam! We humans already have so much in common!”

You wiggle your arms and lie, after a fashion, that you would love to come but you have a delve today and you know how these things grow on you and take forever to root out maybe the next time thank you for asking, and then excuse yourself.

[Image: img23_1.png]

The delve chamber is dimly lit and cozy like a ghost’s womb. Its deep burgundy tones and the franchise mandated mystical mumbo jumbo decorations give an unearthly air to it - not actually necessary for your work but it does set the mood which helps. Rich smoke wafts from a multitude of incense sticks, making the air conditioning whine as it works feverishly trying to scrub it off the recycled oxygen. You have added a touch of personality here and there, putting a mug featuring your favorite show on the relic shelf, pictures of your family and friends amidst the psychic mandalas, your good luck charm-

Where is it? You can’t see it anywhere!

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