Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief

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Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief
RE: Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief
Madeline scanned the shelf, and her eyes were drawn to the titanium baseball bat propped up along the bottom. In her favorite show Toon, the one she watched every morning, the main character used a mallet with cartoon physics that could be reshaped into various other weapons. Often he would choose to shape it into a bat and send the bad-guys flying through the air. She grabbed the bat and swung it a couple of times.

“This one” She said.

The major seemed to approve, nodding her head. Dr. Thompson simply took notes and Rex hardly had any reaction at all.

“Let’s begin then” Said Rex. “Stay where you are.”

The three proceeded to walk to the far side of the room as an observation platform about sixty feet up emerged from behind the wall. The blank white of the panels on the far wall suddenly shifted and turned into stairs. As they walked up the stairs to the platform they would disappear back into the wall.

Over a microphone Dr. Thompson spoke from the platform, “This is a test. If you are going to go on your mission, we need to be sure that you are capable of certain... abilities.”

“Abilities?” shouted Madeline, hoping they would hear her from way down at her location.

“No need to shout dear, we can hear you fine from the display up here” Thompson pointed at the counter they were behind, and Madeline assumed that there must be screens and technical equipment upon it. “Yes, abilities. Let’s just say we have reason to believe you have the capacity for them. I know we’ve inundated you with a lot of life changing information already so we think it’s best not to bother you with too much more exposition. It might actually be counter productive for our purposes. We’re just going to throw you in the deep end here and hope for good results.”

“Great.” She said with sarcasm, crossing her arms. “What exactly am I supposed to be doing then?”

A robotic voice dictated over the speakers "Maneuverability Exercise: Difficulty 6." The whole room began to change as platforms rose out of the floor with staggered heights, effectively creating a blocky mountain before Madeline. Also at staggered heights were alcoves in the wall which revealed some kind of long barreled gun machines on a stand.

The Major spoke. “Make it to the top. Try not to get hit.”

“You’ll do fine Maddie. I believe in you.” Said Rex.

One of the guns rose out of the floor 20 feet in front of her, Then turned to her position. It fired a projectile between the size of a beanbag and a dodgeball which rocketed through the air with a significant speed, hitting Madeline square in the forehead and completely toppling her to the ground.

"Ow." said Madeline "That was a cheap shot, I wasn't ready."

"Life doesn't wait for you to be ready, Beaufort." Snapped back Major Hernandez.

Still on the ground recovering, another projectile fired at her. Madeline wasn't going to wait for a third, she scrambled up and got behind the shelf full of tools. She looked at the towering course in front of her. I can do this, she thought, I just need a plan.

Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe

Messages In This Thread
Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief - by Colby - 04-23-2016, 10:00 AM
RE: Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief - by Colby - 06-08-2016, 08:27 AM