Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:>Do that again, this time at point blank.

The two of you sit there, splayed out on the floor, staring awkwardly at each other. The light bulbs the other-you has in place of eyes flicker a few times as if he were blinking in complete consternation. So much is his confusion that he's apparently forgotten that he intends to maul you. Odd, you didn't think an abomination from the hellscapes of your deepest nightmares was capable of being so utterly flabbergasted.
Your pathetic display with your completely fake and not-real-at-all toy pistol seems to have caused some good to shift in your favor. The other-you seems to be mentally frozen, trying to process what nonsense just took place, providing you with precious moments to think and act. A lesser man would take this opportunity to struggle free and make a run for it; not you, though. You have a different idea, you're committed. Reloading the “pistol” and firing it again at close range strikes you as the thing to do. You're not sure exactly how an obvious children's toy could hurt anyone, though. Yes, you did have that vision earlier where the fake pistol managed to puncture your skull, but you just assumed that was the result of your overly active and overly morbid imagination. Still, anything's worth trying once. Or twice.
Unfortunately the pistol did not come with any instructions, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. You quickly try and push the pole back into the gun's barrel, but it doesn't budge. The moment you make your first move, the other-you snaps out of his befuddled trance and continues his efforts to climb out of the trap door and pull you closer. You scramble to quicken your pace of trial and error to try and figure out how to reset the flag in the fake gun. You try twisting the pole inwards in case it screws in, but to no avail. The magazine pops out partway, but pushing it back in doesn't seem to do anything. The gun's slide moves, but nothing happens. Little by little, inch by inch, the other-you pulls you in. His electrified breathing sparks and sizzles as he drags you closer. Finally, when you try pulling back the hammer you find that it twists instead. You quickly turn the pistol's hammer like the wind-up key of a music box, the flag retreats back into the gun.
Now that the gun is “reloaded”, you twist around and lean forward to get the gun as close to the other-you's head as possible. Your sudden movement and shift in weight causes the other-you to lose his balance. Before you can pull the trigger, he loses his perch and slips back through the trap door. Unfortunately, since he is holding you by the ankle, you get dragged down as well.
The two of you fall back through the trapdoor into the room you started in. You land at an angle, hitting the actual door part of the open trapdoor while the other-you falls through the opening. The back of your head hits the brass doorknob causing you to see stars. Oh look, there's Orion, your least favorite constellation. The jar to your head loosens your grip on the deadly not-gun and it falls out of your hand, sliding across the floor.

1 pistol removed from inventory.

The other-you slips through the opening while still grasping your ankle, causing you to tumble in after him, again. Thankfully, you hit the floor face down this time on the opposite side away from any doorknobs. The other-you manages to grab hold of the trapdoor's frame embedded into the floor to pull himself up. Though his screechings were difficult to read before, you can almost swear that his electrified snarls sound slightly more angry now. He still has you by the ankle.

Quote:>Should we perhaps punch him back through the trapdoor? Just don't let him break your leg again.

Again? No, no; that didn't happen. As has been explained previously, you're positive that was just your mind going into the dark places again. The other-you obviously couldn't have broken your leg, nor has he killed you. If he had, you wouldn't be here right now, right? Right. However, that may not be the case if you don't do something about your current situation soon.
Your first line of defense, a gun that isn't actually a gun, is currently out of your reach. The other-you is struggling to pull himself up; he'd probably have an easier time if he let go of you and waited until after he finished climbing to attack. You're certainly not going to point that out to him, however. You try pulling away only to be viciously yanked back by your ankle. You're starting to get tired of this. A creeping thought in the back of your mind politely suggests punching this thing as an alternative to shooting it. You decide to roll over, your ankle twists around in the other-you's grip. Now lying on your back you lift your head to look at your assailant. Eugh, it's like he's getting uglier every time you look at him.

You: “Back off!”

You display your martial abilities by punching him with your foot. Your heel connects with his chest pushing him back and causing him to slam into the trapdoor's rim. Strangely enough, instead of the soft thud you'd expect when you hit someone in the chest, your foot connects with something hard and flat. Almost like the other-you has some kind of thin metal box stashed just under his shirt. For some reason, his eye-bulbs go out as the Christmas lights he has for teeth flash wildly and change color formation. His buzzed growling is momentarily overpowered by a dull but loud beeping sound as his eyes flicker back on. His hand slides off your ankle as he tumbles into the room below. You hear him hit the floor below you with a loud thud. Then another thud when he slips through that trapdoor and hits the floor below that one. Then another. And another. And so on. With any luck he'll keep falling forever. If not, you can always show him the might of your fist-kick style.

Quote:>Wield the mallet and the pistol and go to town on the monster-you.

As satisfying as the adrenaline rush from foot-to-chest combat is, you'd feel better if you were well armed, in case you run into that other-you again. You quickly glance around the room for your faux pistol. It's nowhere to be found. It must still be in the room above you, where this whole mess started. Hmm, these portal doors have no consistency. You blame the poor craftsmanship. That's another reason to arm yourself, if these truly are portal doors, then the other-you is eventually going to run into you again when he falls from above. It would behoove you to be prepared so you can do the honorable thing and finish him off while he's injured, weak, and vulnerable.
If you want to reequip your fake, toy pistol, you're going to have to climb up and get it. You jump up and grab hold of the trap door above and proceed to pull yourself up. This time you don't see someone doing the same in the room above you, nor do you hear someone climbing up behind you. Now that your view is unobstructed, the series of trapdoors above look seemingly endless. It kind of reminds you of those endless mirror hallways. Creepy. You pull yourself up into the room you started in. There is no nostalgia to be had, however, considering now you've decided you hate this shack and everything related to it. You see the pistol lying on the floor a short distance away. You saunter over and pick it up without any difficulties or incidents what-so-ever. A nice change of pace, considering every other seemingly simple task you've tried to do tonight ended up being monumental ordeals.

1 pistol added to inventory.

You pull your mallet out of your inventory and equip it in one hand and equip your almost-but-not-quite pistol in the other. Good, you now feel reasonably confident in your abilities to deal with any problems this shack can throw at you.


Your thoughts are interrupted by a voice. It's not shouting, but loud enough to be heard over the rain. It's coming from the window near where you parked your brother's truck. The voice seems to be trying to poorly imitate engine and car sounds.

Unknown Voice: “Vroom! Vroom! Beep-beep! Skree! Vrmmm- Kablooey!”

Oh crepes almighty, what the hell now?

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 06-01-2016, 12:40 AM