Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:>Have you considered the possibility of layered universes? Areas occupying the same physical plane but a different temporal plane than your own location, which hypothetically could be parallel, containing parallel yous? You could be staring through a portal.

Well, yes; that’s another way of looking at it. The Layered Universe Theory (i.e. Parallel Universes) could certainly put a new perspective on your current situation. It could also explain why your other-you is such a freak of nature, or a freak of industry, considering his light bulbs and wires. Maybe both? Anyway, you remember reading something somewhere once about two notable physicists, you think their names were Max Greene and Brian Tegmark, came up with a classification system consisting of four levels and nine types. One of the possibilities was something like every universe mas a mathematical membrane stacked on top of each other. If that were the case, it would certainly fit with the theme of traveling up and down through trapdoors. How someone managed to pierce said dimensional membrane is another line of inquiry entirely.
The other you finishes pulling himself up through the trapdoor while keeping a firm grip on your ankle. You feel your weight shift as he stands to his full height, lifting your leg in the process. In the blink of an eye he swings you by the leg and slams into the wall behind him. The wood splinters from the impact. Something cracks in your leg and it goes numb.
Hmm? Oh, right. Eh- you’ll deal with it later. You’ve got to work this out first.


That being said, the whole parallel universe idea depends largely on whether or not String Theory is actually a thing. String Theory, a convenient back door to link Quantum Mechanics and Relativity; actually it’s more of a bridge, since it tries to link the two. Although, technically it’s more of a string considering how it works; hence the name, you suppose. As the theory goes, the universe is a series of strings that links particles together, these strings vibrate in about eleven dimensions that cannot be seen or observed. Would that mean for every two particles that are connected there are eleven different universes? That’s a lot. Then again, it’s still only a theory. A String Theory, to be precise. Considering it was devised to link Quantum Mechanics and Relativity together, one of which is still only a theory as well, some of this may not hold a lot of water. Actually, the Multiverse Theory has come under a lot of fire by the scientific community. Some detractors claim that Multiverses are a philosophical question since the concept lacks falsifiability and cannot be tested by conventional means. Others argue that a theory cannot be disproven at all if it takes into account every possible outcome.
After you slide down the splintered wall and hit the floor again, the other-you pulls you to your feet. It grabs you by the arm and sinks its jagged, glowing glass teeth into it.
If every possible outcome it possible, does that mean every different variation of multiverses exists too? From the neatly laid out membrane universes where they’re all stacked on one another, to the bubble universes where they intersect with one another and can actually be physically traveled to in-universe, to the black hole cosmology where the singularity inside each one is its own entire infinite universe, to the cyclic universe where the big-bang contracts into a big-crunch then explodes into another big-bang ending and restarting the universe eternally? With the universe being of infinite size, meaning an infinite amount of variables, with an infinite amount of variations for other universes, and an infinite amount of ways these universes connect; that would be infinity stacked on infinity stacked on infinity. Would the multiverse have universes that don’t have multiverses in it? Well, if every possibility is a certainty. There’s no way that could be measured.
This is making your head spin. You turn to the other you.

You: “Hey, do you think a theory should be discounted as being an actual science if there’s no way to test it? Even if said theory takes into account every possibility, including the possibility that it’s false?”

The other-you shrugs and then dislocates your shoulder. Hmmph, big help he is.
However, those same detractors that sneer at the idea of multiple universes themselves follow a number of theories that cannot be tested and treat them as fact anyway. Some of them would have their entire field of study collapse if those theories were ever proven wrong. So who are they to judge? Well, as scientists it’s their job to judge; however, down on the farm we have a little phrase that goes “the pot calling the kettle black.” And, provided these doors do link universes, you do have a way to measure it. You could simply go through each trapdoor and explore the entire universe to log all the differences. Not that you would do that. You don’t have the time or the patience for that brainy stuff.
The other-you grabs you by the scruff of the neck and begins running you forward. He forces you headlong into one of the windows. The glass shatters around your face and head.


Codex: "It is the practice of many to put on an air expertise while actually knowing next to nothing about the topic being discussed. This ability allows you to put on those airs better than others. By entering into a state of deep concentration you will be able to recall the many times you spent a single hour in the library and gone on a google binge. After charging this ability you will be able to convincingly pose as someone who actually knows an iota of what they’re talking about. You will only be able to focus on one topic at a time, though. You will also be completely helpless while charging this ability and it will only last for one third of the amount of time you spent charging it. Using it too often or on unpleasant topics may lock you into a negative status for an extended period of time. Use it wisely."

The other-you finally throws you to the ground again. As you lay face down on the dirt covered floor, he places his foot on your back and grabs your head with both hands. He begins to pull.
Oh hey, a new ability. That’ll come in handy-
POP! Your head comes off.


You quickly shake your head. You must have zoned out when you saw the less handsome version of yourself. Although, you feel smarter for some reason.

Quote:>Put that thing out of its misery. With the pistol.

This thing, whatever it is, clearly means to do you harm. It’s got you by the ankle and is gnashing its teeth as you! Also, that wail it made was pretty unpleasant. Still not as bad as the snakes, though. You have a distinct feeling this creature means to kill you. It claws at the wooden floor and pulls you closer.


Okay, no need to panic. That’s a different status effect entirely. You’re just looking at a hostile entity that perverts both the laws of God and man. You still have the upper hand. You have a gun. The single most useful tool man has conceived; a tool that has built empires and then later built even larger empires on top of those smaller ones. You reach into your inventory and grasp at the pistol. You bring it out and aim it directly at the thing’s head. It sees this and begins thrashing.

You: “It was snakes to meet you.”

You pull the trigger to seal this monster’s fate. A small pole carrying a flag with the word “BANG” ejects out of the barrel. The pole stops after it extends fully, nowhere near reaching the creatures head to do any sort of damage. The other-you stares in disbelief as the tiny flag hangs idly in the air… Of course.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-31-2016, 11:57 PM