RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
05-30-2016, 08:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2016, 08:19 PM by adashofpepper.)
Alright, I guess I'm seeing where popular opinion is going with this, so Ill drop it, but a few more things I want to respond to.
I get that this Alice isn't real, but I don't... actually care really? Like, none of them are real anyway. some of them just happen to be double unreal, which IMO is not a huge difference. Plus, We don't really know their level of in canon-sentience, but I'm pretty sure there at least sort of people, going y the "I think, therefor I am" standard. either way I say she deserves the opportunity to be a less awful person.
Also, maybe we should stop by, check in on her, even if we aren't down for a confrontation just quite yet. Its true, we haven't talked to her in awhile.
This seems like a pretty bad idea to me. staying on DDs good side is pretty critical, and as the whole episode with Emily has shown, Daydream is not as emotionally stable as we might have originally thought. I say we psychoanalyze the person that isn't basically God.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for responding. good conversation.
(05-30-2016, 06:51 PM)martialAcademic Wrote: »I said it before, but Alice already said she would be cooperative with us the next time we gave her something to do. We just haven't talked to her at all since then.
As for making Alice aware of the consequences of her actions... who cares? She's not going to exist past the end of this. Daydream is real, but Alice is just a creation of hers. If we can get her to not do horrible things (which we've already made progress on through Daydream) then her learning a lesson is absolutely meaningless beyond some vague comeuppance that would only serve to make us feel good about ourselves, and wouldn't serve the situation for the better in the slightest. In fact, the attempt might actually make her WORSE as many people have said before, including a future version of herself and Garreth.
I get that this Alice isn't real, but I don't... actually care really? Like, none of them are real anyway. some of them just happen to be double unreal, which IMO is not a huge difference. Plus, We don't really know their level of in canon-sentience, but I'm pretty sure there at least sort of people, going y the "I think, therefor I am" standard. either way I say she deserves the opportunity to be a less awful person.
Also, maybe we should stop by, check in on her, even if we aren't down for a confrontation just quite yet. Its true, we haven't talked to her in awhile.
(05-30-2016, 06:33 PM)Fellow Wrote: »1. If we want a better understanding of Alice, we can get that through Daydream. DD's less likely to snap at us, both through trying to harm the kids and through simply refusing to tel us. Plus, if Alice doesn't know we know, she'll be at a disadvantage.
This seems like a pretty bad idea to me. staying on DDs good side is pretty critical, and as the whole episode with Emily has shown, Daydream is not as emotionally stable as we might have originally thought. I say we psychoanalyze the person that isn't basically God.
Anyway, thanks to everyone for responding. good conversation.