Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>I'd suggest waiting until the critical people are taken care of first at the very least. It's not like you're time critical after all, and for Link: the more people that are healed there are the more potential allies you have. It's not a pure ARPG, and nobody really cares if you're a main character.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:> At least find out where you can get healing, if they're not too extremely busy who knows your wings might be a simple fix? (At least if they haven't started to heal wrong...)
ChessCommander Wrote:
>Wait for things to calm down before getting help.
>In the interim, confirm/deny whether you can receive input from us that is not text, i.e. videos such as this one.

I don't think the video went through. Not really sure how that would work anyway...
After a bit more thought, Claire shakes her head. "Nah, it's bad roleplaying. Auleoris is way too nice to do that. Also, if anything else attacks this town we'd want more people alive and able to help us, right?"
He shrugs. "That's fair, just thought I'd offer. Maybe we should find somewhere to sit down while we wait?" He starts toward a less crowded area of town in search of some benches or something, the Florian following.

"Hey, did I ask you what class you picked yet?"
"No. I'm a Mimic Mage. Kinda like a blue mage thing, but I can copy any spell at all that hits me."
He nods. "I'm a magic archer. I learned a thing where I can change the timescale of my arrows. How do skill points work in this game, anyway?"
"You get some when you kill something, or...actually, I think just if you finish a battle without dying."
"Really? I just helped these guys fight a dragon!"

By now they've reached an outdoor eating area just outside of a restaurant, which appears to be closed and empty at the moment in the wake of the recent crisis. The Keino takes a seat in front of the nearest table and summons his screen, which appears flush with the table, displaying his huge wheel-like skill tree.
Auleoris looks over his shoulder. "That is too many options."
"Well, if the one I got earlier is anything to go by they're probably all useful at least. Hey, can you learn these if I shoot you with them?"
"I don't think so, not yet at least. Anyway I don't know what good being able to shoot a fire arrow would do me when I have no idea how to use a bow."



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