Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
ForestGardener Wrote:> Best to be honest with other players.
martialAcademic Wrote:>Oh! Quote the sixth sense! It'll be hilarious!

"Well, uh..I see dead people."
Jin gives a slight headtilt. "What, like as some kind of class ability?"
"No, I just thought that sounded more plausible than what's actually going on.

"Supposedly a bunch of people from an alternate dimension's Earth are giving us pointers or something, and I can actually understand their words whereas most people just feel like they should do what they suggest doing."

"Huh." In thinking for a moment, Jin happens to look up enough to see the Florian woman's wings. "Hey, are your wings supposed to look like that?"
"No. I came up here originally to get them healed by someone who knows the right biology or whatever. Not sure if there's anyone not busy with dragon attack victims right now, though."
"I bet I can get them to help you out. Right this-a way." He starts leading the way more inland, to the main town, and she follows about next to him.

"So, who told you all that?"
"One of the aliens, who's a player in the game too. Uh--not the ones running the game, but the same species. He's calling himself Anansi and says he wants to help us win."

"To play devil's advocate, what if they're really just more fictitious people made up for the game like the NPCs all over the place?"

Auleoris shrugs. "At that point, I'm not even sure I'm real. They're definitely aware of a lot of what's going on, though, and I've met at least one other player who's definitely had them suggest things to her."

The burned forest gives way to some more pristine nature. The trees are still sparse enough to easily walk through, and while there's no path per se, the grass seems very well-groomed, enough to act as a kind of natural carpet.

"Well, where is this guy? I have a ton of questions about how this game was coded...not to overshadow the excitement of getting an interview with a real live extraterrestrial in the first place."
"He's back in Laerta, which is a city in a cave below us. Two more players are headed toward that town, at least according to the alternate-Earth people. Who haven't exactly been wrong yet, but they have trolled me once or twice."
"Is that how we're supposed to win? Get everyone in one place?"
"I don't think so, but it can't hurt, right?"
Link grins wide again. "Yeah, a bigger party is better in your average RPG."

The nature gives way to what could actually be called a town. The buildings here are built of stone and brick, and many of them seem to have preferred vertical expansion to horizontal. The place is busy with people walking in and out or being carried to a few particular buildings near the center, one of which has a clearly hospital-like sign to it but the others apparently having been commandeered as extra infirmaries in the wake of an overflow of patients.

"I'm..not sure I'm comfortable demanding someone heal me with things like this," says Auleoris, noticing an abundance of severe burns and limbs turned very clearly the wrong way.
"Aww c'mon, you're a Main Character, you get priority. Besides, you're not hurt too bad, right? It'd probably just take a few seconds to fix you up. I have crazy high charisma, too, so I guarantee you I can convince someone to do it without making them even feel like they'd been inconvenienced."
"I dunno..It could wait until things calm down..."


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