Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>Lateness of inputs aside, the last question stands. What do you wanna do from here? And I wouldn't recommend trying to climb, I hear it's quite an ordeal and the person up top is probably coming down soon anyways.

We're like three steps from the top. Also, wings? Still hurt.
Auleoris looks at Neyla, who nods, and they start the last bit of the climb.

ForestGardener Wrote:>Zettai said that her world is gone. But the word Anansi used was "reorganization". Get clarification when you have the chance.

"What?" Neyla signs.
"She said her world was 'gone'. What exactly do they do to worlds they don't approve of?"
"A-N--our squid friend did not say?"
"Not specifically. He said they had been..reorganized. Whatever that means."
"We should ask him."

Finally atop the plateau, the two can see the damage the dragon did to the place before falling off. The cliffside the stairs were built into is sturdy rock, but there was a section jutting out just next to it that fell off, by the looks of things. The area nearby looks like the aftermath of a forest fire: Dead plants, ash, and smouldering around, but no proper fires anymore.

A fair number of Florians are buzzing around the area, most of the relatively healthy ones engaged in carrying those too injured to walk or worse away from the cliffs, presumably toward somewhere more capable of tending the injured. One person seems out of place here: A bright-red-haired guy with fox ears and at least two matching tails leaning against the trunk of what used to be a tree with his eyes closed.

"What are you still doing here?!" The Florian woman's taking in of this scene is interrupted by a much taller woman in leather armor with a spear hung diagonally over the back, wearing a fierce expression somewhat intensified by the fact that the left half of her face is covered in recent-looking burns. "Get back to--wait, who are you?" she interrupts herself, having apparently just now noticed she was speaking to an unfamiliar face and/or Neyla.

"Uh..Auleoris. Just got here. Um.."
"We were hoping to find a healer for her wings, but it seems we chose a bad time," signs Neyla.
"..You can say that again, orc." The way she says the word 'orc' seems just slightly derogatory. As if she doesn't mean it offensively but has never heard anyone say it in any other tone of voice. "You a hired guard or something?"
"Just a friend. We also bear a message from Laerta, preferably given to someone in charge."
"Well, it must be urgent if they've spared us a thought. I can take you to someone, I suppose. First, though--you saw the dragon go down, right? You must have seen that from the steps. Where did it go?"



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