Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>You should say hi to the nice lady that can literally kill you all with a thought. Also her name is Zettai and she gives out missions.
Andorxor Wrote:>Accept the offer for a lift,and you can try to find out why she stays here instead of returning
ForestGardener Wrote:> Accept, of course. Get introductions out of the way.

"Uh, w-well sure. I mean if you don't mind," says the Florian.
The Queen chuckles. "They're just messing with you, y'know. But that is my name all right."
The pair on the platform stand up, and the orc signs "What is--?" before pausing at a slight disorientation from being gently lifted off the ground and gently moved toward the cliff.
"Zettai, sorry. Thought you could both hear it."
After placing the three of them far enough away from the cliff that going up won't bump anyone's head, Zettai starts on the way up.

"Are you..probing our minds or something?" asks Aulerois.
"No, I have a passive that picks up sensory input from nearby creatures. I'd turn it off if I could, honestly, and I'm not sure how the Input qualifies as sensory in the first place. So you're more players, huh? What's your world like?"
Neyla signs, "It has large oceans, many plants an animals, one sapient species. Seems okay. We don't exactly have many points of reference."
"Well, it's probably a lot nicer than SET at least."

ForestGardener Wrote:> Ask how she got the dragon to leave peacefully like that.

Auleoris speaks up again. "How did you--"
"Dragons in this world are sapient but only respect beings able to fight on their level," Zettai interrupts, anticipating her question. "Once it knew who it was dealing with it was easy to convince it to leave 'my territory' alone and go bug someone else. I just made sure it knows where my territory is.
..Sorry, it's like listening to an echo. They probably haven't caught up yet."

ForestGardener Wrote:> We are ... familiar with her species. So, crash course part one. You are a human, she is a troll. Her home planet is known as Alternia. It has two moons, one pink and one green (no idea why). Sunlight on Alternia is dangerously intense, so trolls are nocturnal. Troll society is organized by caste. There are twelve castes, determined by the color of their blood. In order, from lowest caste/most common/shortest lifespan to highest caste/least common/longest lifespan, there are rust bloods, brown bloods, yellow bloods, lime bloods, jade bloods, olive bloods, turquoise bloods, cerulean bloods, indigo bloods, purple bloods, violet bloods, and fuchsia bloods. The troll in front of you has blue blood, making her nobility and meaning she has a lifespan of probably a couple millennia. Troll culture is generally very violent (not their fault; they are being manipulated into it), but Zettai is an exception.
> Ask what kind of lusus she has. After she tells you, ask what a lusus is.
> Ask what she thinks of being outside in the daytime.

The Florian looks vaguely dazed, while Zettai tilts her head slightly. "That's, uh...well, it's wrong but it's too similar to what's right to be a coincidence, either. Weird."
"Could you let me in on this conversation?" says Neyla.
"Your Input knows a lot about my people, but..doesn't. I can tell you what's right from that if it won't bore you too much."
"Uh, go ahead. I've never met a real space alien before," blurts Auleoris. And immediately corrects: "Well, I mean--there were those tentacled things and one of them is--but, well, not before all this at least. Wait, was that offensive?"
Zettai shrugs. "Not really.

"So, maybe it was a translation error but we call ourselves Numerals. Did that sound like the same word?"

"Not exactly. They sorta almost rhyme, though?"
"Anyway, I've never heard of this 'Alternia'. Most of us including me were raised on UNDETERMINED, I was moved to SET. There's also, like, GROUP, RING, TOP, a bunch of other ones... The stuff about blood color was, uhm, half-right, I dunno about violent though..manipulated by who?"
"You are losing me again," signs the orc.
"They said they have different blood colors, with different lifespans and they're assigned to castes based on them? And then just a long list of colors I've mostly already forgotten.

"..Err, no offense."

"None taken. The part about lifespans was right but I dunno about castes? I mean, we're really divided up by, usefulness." She seems visibly uncomfortable with this subject, but presses on anyway. "I guess it does mostly end up following that order, though. The later colors in their list are always stronger, live longer, and usually have better powers. I'm sure it would look like that from outside."

Neyla, who has had an increasingly consternated look on her face since getting an answer, starts to sign something and then stops, and repeats this a couple of times before apparently giving up and dropping her hands back to her sides.

"So--what is a lusus?" says Auleoris, attempting to steer the subject away from this social order business.
"Semi-intelligent beast-like things mass produced to keep young Numerals safe. Well..mostly. Mine was a giant spider that ate children, so I killed it."



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