Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The winged woman pauses briefly.

ForestGardener Wrote:>Auleoris: Yep, that was the dragon that attacked the florian city. And yes, that is the Queen coming to probably kill said dragon. In light of her power, you should really not try to fight her. You can talk to her, though. She is intelligent, rational, and friendly.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:> Kick back, relax, and watch the dragon get it's ass handed to it.

"Oh, they're back. Apparently that was the person we're supposed to be getting out of here. And also the queen.
...They think we should talk to her instead of fighting."

"I would not be inclined to fight someone introduced to me this way," signs Neyla.

For a dragon-on-psion fight, it's awfully quiet down below. After a moment, Auleoris risks a peek over the cliff. The dragon's still there, but seems to be standing on its own power. The Queen is floating a few feet away from its head, and the dragon is still exhaling smoke but isn't breathing any fire on her. "I think..she's talking to it? Or doing a psychic thing at it, at least."
Soon, the dragon seems to nod and start walking away from the cliff, the floating girl flying up a bit to be out of its path. Auleoris leans back to a more stable sitting position again.

There is a second or two of restful silence between the two before...

"Hey!" The Florian visibly jumps, while Neyla manages to remain calm. Zettai (though neither of them know that name yet) is floating a few feet off from the edge. Her eyes and outline aren't glowing anymore, so it just looks like she's standing on thin air.
Auleoris blinks a couple of times. "Oh, uh. Hi."
Zettai gives a friendly wave. "Need a lift?"



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