Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>Link: You grabbed his attention, now you just need to survive. Look at what the Florians are doing and think about where you can be most effective.
ForestGardener Wrote:"a few yards off". How big is this dragon? Is Jin in danger of being accidentally crushed? Also this is totally the wrong moment for Jin to be thinking about this, but do the magical alterations only affect the arrows, or whatever is fired from the bow and/or things that are attached to the arrows? Because if the latter then once he has upgraded to be able to bring his arrows to a complete (rather than near) stop, a thread trailing from an arrow could cut things in half with their own momentum. Things that are not moving in time, period, cannot move in space, period. They are invincible and inviolable.
(Yes I like time-stop applications.)
Seconding mA's suggestion.

The Florians swarm down at the dragon, some of them taking up melee weapons to start hacking at it when it seems relatively safe. Thankfully, this grabs the dragon's attention quickly enough that it doesn't immediately hit Jin in a rage and he can get a bit farther off, especially since all the Florians are putting themselves either between him and the dragon or a bit to the side. It seems they're still going with the original plan outlined: Drive it off a cliff. So they're actually placing themselves so the dragon is between them and the cliffs. But its wings aren't damaged enough that it can't fly yet, aerodynamics just told it to go take a hike. Some of them are aiming for the wings still.

At the same time as all that, he tries to make sense of what happened exactly with the timestopped arrows. It seems like he lost control of them as soon as they "hit" the dragon (or the dragon hit them, whichever), but they didn't go back to normal time right away, instead accelerating fairly quickly (whatever it means to accelerate timescales in the first place) but still doing some of the time-stop-like damage on the way. Just like with trying to get near-light speed, this seems like a balancing act to make the level one power useful in the way it seems like it should be, but not too useful.

The dragon is backing up. It's not clear whether he still needs to run distraction, but throwing the dragon off the cliff won't do what they were hoping it would if its wings still work.


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