Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>Take double shot, probably couldn't hurt... on second thought see exactly what it does as well. If it seems like too much of a hassle for not enough reward just save the points for later.

Looking back down again, Jin sees that double shot is a pretty simple skill. It's always physically possible to nock two arrows into the bow and then try to fire them both at the same target or at least general area; using Double Shot just makes doing that way more likely to be accurate. The skill details suggest that each arrow is somewhat less likely to be accurate than a single-shot arrow, but taken together, the probability of hitting with at least one arrow is better than a normal single shot, plus it has that chance of doing double damage. The only true drawback is that it does use up two arrows.

He goes ahead and takes it, before looking up again. He can make out the dragon's head at this point. A small group of the bird-people fly out toward the dragon in a V formation, and then scatter off in every direction (really, every direction; they're not shy about moving in 3d space) when it shoots a gigantic fireball at them. Jin draws an arrow and gets ready to do something with it. It isn't time quite yet, but the sight of the giant scaly beast getting closer is making him almost instinctively antsy.

The Florians gave him as many arrows as he could fit in his quiver, and then some more that he put into his vague gameplay "inventory" when they weren't looking. All told, 41 of them. He hasn't really physically counted them but the number sticks in his head in such a strong way whenever he considers doing so that he thinks it might be a game mechanic thing.

The advance group have already started flying around the dragon and firing at its wings. It dives around in the air to avoid some of the arrows but refuses to turn aside or backwards, apparently dead set on heading toward the plateau. The fireball from earlier sails overhead and keeps going; who knows where that's gonna land.



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