Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>Look around the area for multiple locations you could use for cover. If one place is no longer safe head to another.

He got the skill that lets him effect the time of his arrows, right? If so I can think of a couple of things we can do with that.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:"No one ever makes a movie about Canada."
> False, Scott Pilgrim vs The World

> Jin: Review Skills, see if you can get anything that pierces armor.

Jin takes a moment to review his skill tree, especially which ones he already knows: Time Arrow, Arrow Recovery, Bow Mastery Level 2..hey, there are some points that weren't there before.

Clicking around, he finds that these are Provisional skill points that can only be applied to regular bow skills, not any of the magic-based ones. Must be because I learned from a master or whatever, he thinks to himself. The provisional points would be enough to learn Double Shot but not enough for upgrading Bow Mastery or Arrow Recovery, or getting the next one down from there.

While thinking about that, he looks around again, taking careful stock of the available cover. Trees, buildings...Lots of very flammable-looking things. They didn't exactly prepare their city for a dragon attack, but really how does one do that without cyber-space-future technology? He'll run out of viable places pretty fast unless the dragon moves farther inland.

When Link looks back up, he sees that the dragon is moving faster than he thought it was. It's a growing red speck on the horizon.


Messages In This Thread
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