Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>Us. It came from us. And I guess the chaos priest isn't here right now. But more importantly, maybe you should decide what you want to do. We know where a few of the other players are if that's what you want to do, but they're split up. One of them is about to fight a dragon in a Florian city, and the other is making friends with a mad scientist. The other two are on an escort quest together. Any way you go, you might want to power up for a while.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Infodump.
Argenteus Wrote:> Tell her about us.

"..Oh. Well, that makes sense I guess."
"It does?" asks Neyla.
"Anansi, you didn't say anything to her about the Input or whatever, did you?"
He shakes his head.

"Well, at least according to him the game does something to get humans from another dimension to send us ideas. I can actually sort of 'hear' what they're saying, but most other players can't. I'd guess if you have any ideas that don't seem like normal ones for you to have, it's probably them."
Neyla nods. "I suppose it makes as much sense as anything else."

They reach the guardhouse and head inside. A particularly tall man waves at them from an open doorway next to the front desk. "Ah, good morning. I hope you're well?" He offers a handshake to each of them in turn.
"I've been better, but yeah."
"Well, allow me to properly introduce myself. I'm Jeremiah, guard captain here for the moment. Please, come inside." He leads them through the door into what is unmistakeably his office.

On the way to his desk, he gestures at a few chairs in front of it. Once everyone is seated, he leans forward. "Well, first of all I wanted to thank you three for your help with the, ah, giant snake situation. It was a disaster, but it really could have been much worse."
Neyla signs, "I could not allow it to hurt people while I ran away. Also, I know where it came from."
"You do?" he asks, surprised.
"I entered this town with a man calling himself either Jacob or Magether who claimed to be a priest of chaos. He seems to have captured the monster somehow, and then released it once in town."
"What were you doing with a priest of chaos?" says Jeremiah, suspicious.
"He seemed mostly harmless at the time, and said that his god was dead."
"Liremska is...? That is very bad news. I'll have to tell...well, a lot of people if it's actually true. But, at any rate, Laerta owes you a great deal. If there's anything, you know, not illegal or morally questionable we can do for you, let us know. Speaking of which."

The guard captain digs around in his desk and eventually finds a piece of paper. Looking up from it at Auleoris and Anansi in particular he says, "Green-skinned elves are rare in this country, so I have to ask whether you were recently in the dead forest to the northwest of here. If you were, don't worry, you're not really in trouble."
"Yeah...I'm not sure what possessed me to go in there," says the winged woman. "He basically just helped me get back out again after I got hopelessly lost."
Jeremiah nods. "I'm assuming you're from another country, so I'll tell you about it.

"In addition to being highly dangerous due to the large quantities of undead there, the forest is legally off-limits due to an edict from the queen herself. People are supposed to be prosecuted as trespassers for entering, but if you didn't know about it beforehand the law can't do anything more than give you a stern warning."
"You sound it as if the queen is not interested only in well-being of would-be visitors," says Anansi.
"Indeed," says Jeremiah. "The dead forest is home to the Necromancer. She's been there for a long time, and the...previous dynasty of kings repeatedly tried to remove her, with no success. However, the present queen is rumored to be friends with her. At the very least she doesn't see necromancy as evil the way a lot of us do, and has declared those lands to be effectively the Necromancer's private property."



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