Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Kevak Wrote:Why is that odd? Are sheep just as odd? Odd like the Ood~?
ChrisClark13 Wrote:Ya' know people have been getting in trouble for doing whatcha doing there.
martialAcademic Wrote:Oh? Why does that matter?
ideaMaster Wrote:ask him why he cant use his own.
Argenteus Wrote:> Nod understandingly. Ask him why he couldn't get a suitable head through the official channels though?

"S-so, I guess it's something you can't use your own for, but can't you just legally get b-bodies in this country anyway?"
"There are two problems with that--the bodies that would be useful to me from those channels all go to the Necromancer, capital 'N'..And, well, they only give those bodies to necromancers."
"That would make you..n-not a necromancer, then?"
The man shakes his head. "Now, I can't let this go to waste." He starts cutting the body's neck again.
"S-so, necromancers need fresh bodies b-because, why, because they want them to st-stay together longer, right? Wh-what do you need an in-in-intact head for?"
He stops, giving a sigh that is half deep-breath-from effort, and says, "Young man, if you're really interested in my research, I can show it to you once this lady's head is ready to go back to the lab."
"So you d-do want me to help, then?"
"Well, I wouldn't turn down a volunteer at this juncture. But you've got to be careful with how you sever the nerves.."


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