Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Kevak Wrote:Lick him from behind!~
martialAcademic Wrote:>Continue watching him without making yourself noticeable.
martialAcademic Wrote:Ah, okay. In that case I'd suggest gathering more information before acting, so when we eventually capture him we have something to cross reference any statements with. Or maybe we just figure out wtf he's doing and we'd be able to kill him without losing that information. So basically I'd like to keep watching for a bit.
Irrevenant Wrote:Just keep watching for now. Pay close attention.
Kevak Wrote:No.

Kick him in the balls and Punch him in the head hard enough to knock him out. Make sure not to kill him.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:Super Tackle Hug Pounce!
Kevak Wrote:Yes.
Argenteus Wrote:> Help him dig. Use your bare hands if you have to, with your Strength it should be easy enough.

Jarod tries to just watch patiently, but he starts feeling nervous and twitchy. Maybe that coffee wasn't the best idea, or maybe it's something else, but at any rate he's only able to sit still and watch the man work, slowly cutting probably the neck of the corpse, for another minute or so before he abruptly stands up and takes off at a run.

He jumps at the man, intending some kind of tackling hug, and completely misses, rolling on the ground a foot or so and sitting up, coughing. The noise does more than enough to get the man's attention, at any rate. Jarod recovers and stands up just as the gravedigger gets over his confusion enough to ask "...What are you doing here?" His voice sounds..old, for lack of a better word.

"Well, uh, uh, i-i-t looked lick--like you were working rather hard wwwwwwwwwwwwwith whatever that is, and I was wondering if you could use a p-p-punch to the--I mean, some help." Jarod shakes his head, wondering where all those wrong words are coming from.

"Are you..quite alright?" asks the man.
The wolf-man shakes his head. "No, yes, I-I'm fine. I've been, I've just awake--rrgh!" Jarod pauses, sucks in some breath and says, "I've just. been. Awake. a little t-too long, is all. I can't not be right now. I'm sorry, I'm not m-making a lot of sense, am I?"
"A little.."
"What I mean is, uh, I'm wondering what you need a dead p-p-person's head for?"
"Ahm..well, I don't need just any head. The point is that this one is rather, um.." He waves vaguely into the grave. "..intact."



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