Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
ArcanePenguin Wrote:> "So what is this place anyway? Why is it so bad that I appeared up here?"
Argenteus Wrote:> Kill your guide.
> Also: I think I might know a way you could fly, albeit very slowly (And it's more like climbing, really). Fire an arrow, and stop it in time (Or slow it as much as you can). Stand on the arrow: It shouldn't fall, since time is stopped for it. Repeat until you're as high up as you need to be. Collect old arrows as you ascend.
Kevak Wrote:>Lick the guide.
>... Lick everything.
>Lick a tree.
martialAcademic Wrote:>Link: Don't kill your guide. Check how many arrows you have.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:Sniff things instead of licking them
Kevak Wrote:>Sniff /Everything/.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:As you are walking please look again at your stats.

He starts sniffing. A fox-person should be better at smelling things than a normal human, right? Apparently yes, that is right. The trees smell like trees, but also like whatever animals left their marks at this or that particular tree. He can even identify a few of those animals. It's odd, he hasn't noticed any animals around yet...maybe because they avoid people. And he gets a very distinct sense of the winged man's scent. He gets the idea that he could probably identify this specific person's scent anywhere, anytime...at least for a while, until he forgets it.

Eventually bored of sniffing, he gets curious of how many arrows he has, and reaches back to touch the tips of them. The winged man, apparently familiar with the sound of someone putting their hand to a quiver, turns partially around. "What are you doing?"
"I'm checking how many arrows I have, because there's a period of time I don't remember and I could have gained or lost arrows in that time...and it'd suck to run out if an emergency happened later. Right?"
The winged man nods, but looks a little suspicious. Meanwhile, Jin has counted 24 arrows.

As they continue walking, an occasional building will show up in the middle of the trees, with no other buildings nearby. He pulls up the menu again, which apparently doesn't catch the winged man's attention. Good, that might be harder to explain. It has stats, skills, inventory, and the message box..which just has that one mysterious message from right after he woke up. What is that even supposed to mean?

He takes a closer look at his stats. As he noticed immediately before, his charisma is very high. Next-highest is intelligence, then dexterity and agility close after that, with fairly low endurance and strength the lowest. But apparently still high enough to draw back a bow, he guesses. Just how much better is a person's balance with three tails than it would be with one, anyway? The stat screen does not answer this question, but thinking about his balance does give him an amazing idea that he can't wait to try..except that he's going to have to wait a little while anyway. Oh well. Just wait till he finds some high "unclimbable" wall.

"So hey, besides a huge cliff that's only accessible from stairs for people without wings, I actually don't know where I am right now."
"This is Haranka. It's on a high plateau, so only Florians and people with the guts to climb all the way up the stairs live here."
"And...how many people have said guts?"
"Hmph, not many. Sometimes we have to rescue people who weren't tough enough and got tired halfway through, or were too dumb to bring enough provisions." His tone of voice very clearly looks down on such people. "It's like they just ignore the big warning sign down at the foot."
"Well you know, with some people, the more you tell 'em they're not able to do something, the more they want to try it just to prove you wrong."
The winged man shrugs. "I suppose."

Eventually they come upon a small cylindrical tower of stone, with a pair of armored Florians standing to either side of the door. "Janus," says one, "this our mystery visitor?"
"Yeah, he says he forgot how he got here."
The tower guards exchange glances, and then the one who hasn't spoken yet says, "You should fill in the captain."

Janus nods, opens the door and heads in, and Jin starts to follow, until the one who spoke first says, "Not you. Wait out here, please."
"Oh, sure, sorry," says the fox-boy, stepping back a bit as the door closes again.



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