Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The fox-boy scratches his head and then goes back through the results of his searches. "Ah well, hmm.."

ArcanePenguin Wrote:Yeah, I'm going to stick with Mage-bow.

Also, isn't Psion supposed to be taken? Because the Queen was a Psion.

Luna Safire Wrote:I vote Crafter or Improv Monk. ^.^
leolaser22 Wrote:I vote for Mastermind or Mage-bow.
1412 Wrote:Tome Mage!
Or Probability mage.
Irrevenant Wrote:Well damn, now I'm curious what Mage-gunner is like.

ChrisClark13 Wrote:Mage gunner!

(Useless vote is useless)
Chaos Watcher Wrote:>Mastermind

{Meta: Vote Count Ranking:
Magebow: 3
Mastermind: 2
Crafter: 1
Improv Monk: 1
Tome Mage: 1
Probability Mage: 1
Mage-gunner: 1}

He fairly quickly settles on a class to go with.

You have selected:
Confirm Selection?
[Yes] [No]

And he pushes yes, of course, and finds his screen pinging again.

Achievement unlocked: How Polite--Get all the way through choosing a class without any bad searches.

"Wow, another one? D*** I'm good at this. Huh?" And now he finally notices his clothes have changed quite a bit. He's wearing something kin to a green robe with some leather bits here and there, along with a conical mage type of hat, but green with a feather in it, and a quiver across his back. "Oh, cool. Wait, where's the--?" and before he can say 'bow', it appears in his hand. "--oh." He pretends to set an arrow and fire it out over the cliffside, and then shrugs and almost automatically places the weapon back behind him, into a special slot on the quiver.

"Okay..now what. How far does this cliff go?" He looks around, left and right of his section of cliff. "Pret-ty far, yes." So he turns around, back toward the forest. A motion up above catches his eye, and he looks up to see two gigantic birds flying along..no, on closer inspection with a hand over his forehead to see through the glare of the sun, he notices there's something off about their middle part, it doesn't really look properly birdlike.

"Are those..bird-people?"


Messages In This Thread
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