Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:>Drop all of your items through the portal except the codex. Also if you drop the pistol in, you might want to turn the safety on just in case.

Now that you have identified the trapdoors as some kind of portal or mirror-portal variant, it’s time to start experimenting. The portal seems to change items you put in it, so it’s time to start putting stuff through and see what you get. A proper use of the scientific method would advise caution and controlled variables, but caution is something your brother would do. Why do something half-assed when you can just stuff it all in there and be done with it in a single move? Also, the pistol does not appear to have a safety feature of any kind.

Quote:>Attempt to avoid getting hit from above by some of the heavier objects.

Good idea. You certainly don’t want to get pelted in the head again. Alright, you’re ready. You reach into your inventory and gather everything you have into your arms. You walk over to the trapdoor and hold your items over the opening, positioning everything in such a way to make sure it all goes in on the first try. You make yourself ready to duck off to the side so you don’t get pelted by all the junk you’ve collected. On the count of three: one, two, thr-

Quote:>HOLD IT!!!


Quote:>I know you are pissed off right now, but dumping your entire inventory into the portal is just stupid and you will probably regret it later.

Yeah, but-

Quote:>Instead, why don't we try to experiment with the portal to see how it works? It seems the portal changes the object's properties and figuring out if there are any reasons to why these changes occur, or if there are any patterns or rules, could score you really cool things!


Quote:>And don't worry about you looking like your brother. You and him are totally different people and appearances are meaningless. He's not going on a cool quest, is he? No. you are! So, points for you.

… Okay.

Quote:>Now, here are some experiments:
1) Lay a couple of items out around the portal and look through the portal. Do they look different?
2) Toss a nickel through the top portal at an angle so it lands on the floor. Did it change?
3) Take two dehydrated cans. Pass one through the upper portal and one through the bottom portal. Compare them with third dehydrated can.
4) Stick half of the extend o gear through either portal and obverse the other end as it appears through the opposite portal did it change. Remove the extend o gear from the portal. Anything different?

You lay out your book, coupons, and legalese document around the trapdoor. It’s a little hard to see around the other you, but looking through the portal you see some differences. The “Hunter’s Heart” book appears to be the "Staying Delicious" book down there, however, it appears the coupons and document have been replaced with pocket lint and a dryer sheet. You toss a single nickel through the portal, making sure it hits the floor instead of the other you below. A single penny bounces off the back of your head in response.

1 single nickel removed from inventory.
1 single penny added to inventory.

According to the instructions on the can of dehydrated cans, you’re supposed to toss it into a water source whereby the can will burst open with a bountiful supply of fresh new cans by the bucket load. It’s not recommended to open it manually. Even if you did want to ignore the instructions, you don’t have a can opener. Finally, you pull out the extend-o-grab and extend it so the front half is through the portal. When you look over your shoulder you see your other self holding the front half of a stick through the portal. Okay then, so it seems that the portal may change things to an apparent close approximation for anything seen through it or anything that goes through. Lint and a dryer sheet, though? Well, out least you found out in a mature and well though at manner. You should be proud.
Yeah, it was childish of you to throw a tantrum over whether or not you look like your brother. It shouldn’t matter if you look like your brother or anyone else. You are you and nothing in this world will change that. In the whole vastness of the universe where you amount to nothing more than an unlikely puff of atoms, there is only one entity that, against all odds, is made of the exact combination of what makes you, you. Your mere existence is a miracle, and on top of that, you, out of all the other puffs of atoms, were specifically chosen for this, you assume, monumentally important quest. You are a unique individual and not a damn thing will ever be able to change that. So, you’re better than tantrums. Look at what you were able to accomplish through thought and reasoning. You were able to gleam, possibly, important information that you would have, probably, never have gotten if you smashed all your items or just haphazardly thrown them in. You feel like a new person. You have a new outlook. From now on, things are going to be different. Here you stand; a pillar of integrity, logic, reason, and importance. It’s good to be you.


Quote:>Empty inventory into portal except for the codex and the keys.

And in they go.
You gather up everything in your inventory, save for a few, and toss them all into the trapdoor without a second thought. All your things clatter onto the ground through the portal and a few on the other you.

1 most but not all of inventory removed from inventory.

A shower of pennies rains down on you. That’s it. That’s it? Did you just lose nearly your entire inventory? Has it been swallowed up into some void? No, they haven’t. Looking down through the door you see everything you put through lying on the ground. The other you is looking through his portal. So, only the pennies made it through. You can still see the nickels you put through on the ground down below. This supports your earlier theory that the portal is either broken or not working properly. Regardless, you gather up the pennies.

1 fistful of pennies added to inventory.

Besides the keys and codex, you also saved the extension cord and your book. There’s just one other experiment you can think of; the previous idea of using a rope-like object to lower something into the portal seems like a good one. You tie the cord as best you can around the book and begin lowering it through the trapdoor. No sooner does the book enter before you’re pelted in the back of the head with a book. Shocked by the jolt, the extension cord slips from your grasp and tumbles below. When you pick up the book you see it’s the “Staying Delicious” book again.

Quote:>climb up through the upper portal.

You’ve stuck your hand through with no ill effects, so it should be safe to physically go through all the way. It’s baffling that most of your items didn’t go through yet you can still see them through the portal below. Maybe climbing through one will provide some answers. Hopefully this doesn’t kill you.
You stand up and turn around. Looking up, you see that your doppelganger did the same. In synchronization you both jump and grab hold of the trapdoor’s frame and pull yourselves up. You slide onto the floor with your knees displacing several objects. You’re surrounded by the items you threw before.

1 rest of inventory added to inventory.

Contrary to what you saw with the coins and book, everything seems to be exactly the same with no changes. Other than that, everything seems to be accounted for, except… The extension cord appears to be missing.
You hear something shifting above. When you look up you see your other self moving. Instead of crouching on his knees like you, he’s standing up and wrapping the extension cord over his shoulder like a bandolier. With no input from you, he jumps upwards and grabs hold of the trapdoor above him. You hear an impact on the trapdoor behind you. Your weight shifts slightly as the wood beneath you creaks.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-25-2016, 05:20 AM