Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:>Empty your inventory and use the mallet to render useless all of the potentially helpful items.

With your blood boiling you reach deep into your inventory and grab an armful of everything you have. Like a petulant child having a tantrum over being denied ice-cream cake, you throw everything on the ground; it all clatters loudly as your items scatter across the floor.

1 entire inventory removed from inventory.

You do not look like your brother. You are nothing like your brother. Not even a little bit. Would your brother ever do anything like this? You think not.
Stepping around the mess you made, you pick up the mallet and equip it in your hands. You step over to the can of dehydrated cans. You swing the mallet down crushing it beneath the blow. Extremely tiny, miniature cans spill out as the top pops off. The extend-o-grab is next. It breaks into many pieces when you bring the mallet down. A small pole and flag pops out of the pistol’s barrel as you smash it. The keys don’t break, but they bend beyond use under the head of the mallet. The book, legalese document, and coupons are far too flat to be crushed; you decide to rip them up instead. As paper scraps flutter throughout the room, you kick the nickels around since there are too many to smash.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply you look around the shack with apelike pride at the absolute mayhem you caused. There’s just one thing left. You stride over to where the electronic codex lay. You were saving this one for last. It appeared out of nowhere, gave you information that was completely useless, and worst of all, it’s boring to look at. The small unassuming box lays there on the floor with its lone bubble speaker looking up at you as you raise your mallet. You bring the hammer down with a smirk on your face. As the hammer connects with the codex time slows to a crawl.
There’s a blinding flash followed by your feet leaving the ground as you’re thrown backwards. You hear glass shatter behind you. With your body now horizontal, you look upwards to see the window shattering outward as you are careening towards it. As you fly through the now open window, you notice that the wood from the entire shack seems to be exploding outwards. Luckily for you, with the truck’s locks being broken, you left its windows open to make getting in and out easier. This allows you to pass through the truck without being crushed or sheared in half by one the metal bits. After passing through the truck, your airborne journey takes you into the trees. Miraculously, you miss every trunk, limb, and branch before finally smacking into the ground. Oddly enough, you didn’t skid upon your landing. You just, sorta, hit the ground and stick there. It’s soft, though; if you don’t mind all the rotten leaves and pine needles you’re laying on.
Well now. The codex blew up. You guess that’s it for your adventure. You were supposed to find the shack and do something. Well, you found a shack and blowing it up counts as something. You had no doubt that you’d succeed, but sill, the outcome was a little disappointing. At least there were some exciting parts. Hopefully the explosion did some damage to your brothers truck. How satisfying would it be to tell him it got blown to smithereens? Then again, maybe not, since you’re going to need it to get back. It’s actually pretty cozy here on ground. It’s really, really soft. It almost feels like you’re ever so slightly sinking into it, like those fancy foam mattresses.
Looking up, you can make out dim shafts of moonlight through breaks in the clouds shining down the canopy while droplets of rain splash on your face. It’s probably a good idea to go before you get completely soaked. You begin to sit up. You are unable to. Your back cannot seem to part from the ground. When you try to lift your arm you see some sort of silvery, white substance beneath the detritus holding it down. Behind you, above your head, you hear a number of metallic clicking sounds as if someone were unlocking a great many locks. You look up when you hear something creak to see the forest floor parting to reveal an old wooden door opening up from the ground. From the darkness you see eight glinting eyes staring back at you. An enormous spider steps forward. It groggily clicks its mandibles together as it examines you; its sleeping cap dangles lazily from its cephalothorax. Seemingly satisfied, the spider spears the ground next to you with one of its forelegs. You and the ground around you begin moving into the darkness leaving behind the forest floor bare as if a blanket were dragged across it. Before you disappear into the den, you get a close look at the wooden door when it dawns on you: this is a trapdoor spider. The realization of this pun prevents your PISSED status from being changed. The door closes behind you and the locks are locked.
To learn more of what takes place here please consult the eCodextm on the feeding habits of spiders.


You blink a few times. You’re standing in the shack with your arms full of your inventory. You quickly stash your things back where they belong. Is this a problem? Is having multiple hallucinations about your own elaborately grisly and overly verbose deaths a sign that you’re losing it?

Quote:>It's a mirror portal, sonni3. Don't you know anything about th3 r3al world?

What, like in that it’s an actual mirror or that it’s a metaphorical mirror in that it only shows a close approximation of what’s on the other side? Naturally, if you had two portals you could use them like a mirror. You’d be able to see your back. Also, if you got clever with the angles, you’d be able to see your front too. Not to mention that being able to give yourself high-fives is a novelty that simply cannot be ignored. There’s probably a market for this. Would the portals still work if you tore them down? It would certainly help if you could angle them to be more mirror like. No matter how much you try you just can’t get a good look at your face. You need to be sure that at least the most important feature of yours is different from your brothers.

Quote:> Find something you can use to lower stuff in, like a long piece of rope.

That would certainly be useful. There are only a few places you could possibly look; unless you wanted to scour the entirety of the forest, that is. You don’t remember there being anything rope-like in the truck. You would have found it during your earlier search; the shack is also pretty bare. There might be something around outside. Looking through the widow opposite from the one near where the truck is parked, you see a cluster of old-fashioned, metal trashcans. Were those there before? There’s a distinct feeling of deja vu regarding things that may not have been there before.
You carefully step outside onto the moist ground as light raindrops begin to bounce off your head and shoulders. You quickly round the corner to see a disorganized cluster of rusty, old metal trashcans. Prying the lids off of each of them, you find them to all be empty. Something orange catches your eye in the light shining out of the shack’s window. Looking into the window to see it’s much smaller on the inside provided with the view through the other window and open door is fairly dizzying. Anyway, you push past the trashcans to see a slimy, moss covered extension cord lying in a pool of muck. It’s old and worn; the orange insulation casing is shredded in several areas.

1 extension cord added to inventory.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-25-2016, 04:41 AM