Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
Quote:>Read this NEW BOOK unless it is still the "Staying Delicious" book.
>Pretend you are not the slightest bit angry and start reading the book which just hit you in the head.

Oh, no. You don’t need to pretend that you’re not angry. Your status is still set to UNSETTLED. Your salty exclamation earlier was more to do with brief shock than actual anger. It’ll take more than a few light knocks to upset you. You’re used to it. As for this new book…
You pull the book out of your inventory and look at the cover. It’s called “A Hunter's Heart”, and it appears to be a collection of biographical and autobiographical short stories that revolve around hunting. Some of the notable contributors are actually VIP list celebrities such as current president Billy Mays and beloved "My Fair Proboscis" sitcom actress Xylahzigzig. It’s odd to be looking at it here now. You actually remember seeing this before. It was on a small table in the 24 hour free clinic that you’re staying in. You convinced the receptionist to let you crash in the lobby. You do have a sort-of apartment, but you can’t really go back there until some problems take care of themselves. You’re brother offered to let you stay in his guest bedroom, but damned if you’ll go there when he actually wants you to. Anyway, this book was in a pile of other books on the table next to the couch you’ve been sleeping on. Before you started your journey you decided to grab a book in case you needed to kill some time or throw it at someone. You were originally going to take “A Hunter’s Heart”, but in the end decided on “Staying Delicious”.
You open the book and leaf through its pages. It appears that every page has been smeared with some kind of glow-in-the-dark ink. Carefully examining the pages you find that certain spots have been left bare of the glowing ink as if to highlight certain words. These certain words appear to mostly be along the lines of “hunt”, “watching”, and “eat”. On the very last page there is a doodle, also in the glowing ink, of some kind of circle with a dot in the middle surrounded by outward radiating squiggles. Okay. What is this even supposed to be? A wrinkly flower? An eye on a poorly drawn sun? An eye surrounded by untamed eyelashes? Failed mascara? This isn’t scary so much as it is trying too hard to be scary. Blotting out every page just seems desperate, and the scribble at the end looks like a child drew it. They might as well have written "booga-booga" while they were at it. You tuck the book back in your inventory. What a waste of perfectly good literature.

Quote:>Use the fistful of pennies to make it rain down into the trapdoor on the floor.

For some reason, when you threw your book at the guy below you, some other guy above you threw another book at you as well. You quickly glance upwards to see the person through the trapdoor above you glancing upwards. When you look through the trapdoor below, the guy down there is still staring at the floor. Though you can only see them from one angle, these bozos do look kinda similar; like your brother. A test is in order. You reach into your inventory and pull out your fistful of pennies. You hold your hand over the trapdoor and let go.

1 fistful of pennies removed from inventory.

You see the figure beneath you drop something on the floor. Immediately you hear the clatter of coins landing on the ground around you, as well as a few landing on you. They’re nickels.

1 fistful of nickels added to inventory.

Quote:> Carefully put hand through trapdoors on floor while looking up in the ceiling.

Wait a minute. Something screwy is going on here. These two keep moving at the same time you do. Either the two of them are working together to mess with you or-. You put your hand through the trapdoor on the floor and look over your shoulder at the trapdoor on the ceiling. You still can’t see the figure’s face, but he’s sticking his hand through the door. You wave your hand around and he does the same.

Quote:>Start thinking with portals.

No. Oh no. No-no-no NO!


You do NOT look like your brother! Sure you have the same hair color and a similar build, but you are a quadrillion times more ruggedly handsome than that clean-shaven office jockey. It’s these trapdoors; these portal doors. They’re clearly broken. They must be distorting your image like a fun-house mirror. Sure, upon closer inspection they’re both wearing the same clothes as you, but that doesn’t mean anything. The stuff you put through. What about those? The book and change you tossed through were different when you got them back. If the portal changes things you put through then it must not be working right. Wait. You quickly pull your hand back and look at it. It’s exactly the same as it was before. Doesn’t matter, the portal’s still busted.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-25-2016, 04:12 AM