Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Normally not but she's the queen! She has resources necessary to stop us. Also try to convince her that a little chaos with some guards "fighting you off" occasionally will cement her rule in the eyes of the citizens as they become more reliant on her.
martialAcademic Wrote:>Ask her if there's anything that she wants to ask you
Argenteus Wrote:OK, so she's blue blooded. Not troll royalty, but Nobility at least.
> Let's check out the grave-robbers first.
martialAcademic Wrote:I am totally okay with that.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:I'd rather go monster hunting. We can catch it and ride it around causing a bit of chaos before punching it to death.
Argenteus Wrote:Necromancers make powerful allies.
Chaos Watcher Wrote:Hmm this history seems interesting, you gain a new reader X3 and I agree with the others, to the graveyard! >_</

"Um..y, yeah. I uh..I think it would make sense to start with the last job you mentioned. S-since it's kind of, nearby."
Zettai nods. "That's pretty sensible."
"I think..uh, do you think it would ma-make sense if I tried to look like I wasn't working for you, though? I mean, if whoever t-thinks I'm just curious and doesn't know I'm working for anyone in the uh, the government..."
"Sure, of course. In fact, it might be better if you look like someone the town guard wouldn't believe if you told them something."
"I, um. Have an idea. For how to do that. Maybe I c-could act a little bit..crazy?"
"Right. I can fix you up with the right kind of disguise for that, I think. Have some palace guards throw you out as if you barely got two steps in the door. I'll let them in on that you're working for me so you don't have to carry around a badge or anything that someone could find on you."

The gray-skinned girl stands up again. "Okay, so we have a deal? Find some good information on what's going on, and I'll make sure you're rewarded pretty well for it. Fail, and.." She gives a shrug, "Well, there's always next time." She offers him a hand.
The wolf-man shakes Zettai's hand. His shake is a little rapid, while hers is a calculated level of firm--not squeezing, but not limp.

A couple of hours later, a gray-skinned wolf-man wearing some tattered brown clothes is physically thrown out of another end of the castle by some guards.
"And stay out!"
"Heh, heheheheh," he laughs nervously, and then a little louder, "HAAAAheheheheh HAA--ow."
He is cut off by a light thump to the head by an armored glove. "Pipe down!"
"Uh, s-sure. Sure." He nods twice, takes a step, turns around fully and then nods again, before turning back around and starting a weaving walk away from the castle.

Two people run through a tunnel, deep below ground. The one with green skin speaks between taking breaths to keep up the pace.
"By the way--
--I ought mention--
--if you hear music when see the enemy--
--be prepared for a hard fight.
It means--
--the game has decided--
--a fateful encounter."

"Good to know."

"It is always fateful--
--when two players fight--
against each other.
One good way--
--to learn another is player--
--if other ways--
--do not work."


The priest of chaos and his orcish friend walk out of the bakery, the latter carrying a sword quite satisfactorily covered in mustard and admiring it.
"You know, I get the impression you're not nearly as crazy as I am, and that's fine with me. Really, after a fashion, though, even if you turn out to start playing hero, I think Liremskra would still be a little bit proud of you for this. Making a good five or six people's day nice and surreal for once. Knock them out of their boredom and all. Heehee, I'm more than glad to donate to a cause like that. I say--whoops!" Jacob trips over apparently nothing and completely faceplants.

The orc lets the weapon go into the nebulous inventory space and offers him a hand, which he takes to get up. Then she signs, "Did you break anything?"
"Hmm.." He takes stock of his beard and horns in particular. "Nope, nope, all accounted for. Funny, I feel a bit lighter, though."
She spots a small green-scaled sphere rolling around, and picks that up. "You dropped this."
"Oh, yes. I nearly forgot I had that." He rolls it around in his hand a bit. "Yoouu were a real pain, weren't you? I wonder if you'll behave now. I'd perfectly rather if you didn't."

With a casual shrug, the satyr tosses the little sphere forward, and it lands on the road a few feet away with a sound not unlike an egg cracking. The ball of scales glows green, apparently turning back into energy before growing back into the shape of a giant snake. However, it doesn't stop at its original shape, instead growing to be about twice as big, before the glow fades off, leaving an impossibly giant reptile in the middle of the cavern.

"Well, that's unexpected," mutters Magether. Neyla jumps backwards as the snake's tail comes toward both of them, catching him in the stomach and knocking him a good several feet away into the 'wall' of a nearby shop.

She draws the mustard-covered sword and runs at the snake. It strikes its head toward her, she swings the sword and manages to hit it straight in the teeth, with the unfortunate result of the weapon being knocked out of her hands and a long way backwards by the snake head's momentum.

By now a lot of the regular people around have taken notice of the giant animal in the room, and are running away in a panic. A few armored guardsmen run up to the snake, trying to attack it with the spear; the snake's tail sweeps around it, catching most of them, picking up one and throwing her away. She lands right next to the priest.

Jacob slowly sits up while the snake grabs another guardsperson in its jaws and shakes him around before letting go, sending him flying off. He turns and plucks the woman's helmet and spear, one to each hand, and then lets go of both with a palm-up gesture. They float in the air slightly above his hands. "Hey hero. Catch!" He swings his hands forward, throwing both at Neyla, who is currently looking for the sword that got knocked away.

The orc catches both neatly, putting on the helmet. "Hello? Jera! Jera, come in!" says a voice seemingly from the helmet. "What is going on--is anyone there?"

Neyla runs up toward the snake, which is currently half-turned away from her, and quickly pokes it in the side before backing up again as the snake's tail comes at her. Then, noticing it hasn't contacted anything, the giant creature turns its body around so its head is facing her and gives a remarkably loud hiss.



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