Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Ask if you can still spread spread chaos.
Argenteus Wrote:We don't need to ask some highblood for permission to spread the chaos.

>Accept the mission. Seek power.
> Also, ask what color her blood is. Is she a Fuschia blood?
martialAcademic Wrote:>Ask what the things she needs you to do are first.

"W-well, uh, I mean, that sounds great! But, uh, what kind of..p-problems do you need me to solve?"
"Let's see.." she leans back and waves a hand behind her, and a small stack of papers comes in from a nearby door, onto the table. "There are definitely a few I'm sure you could handle right now," she says, taking the paper, straightening them against the table and then filing through them. She finds one and brings it to the front. "There are..rumors of a bunch of bandits holed up in a cave near a certain town, but nothing officially confirmed. I mean, the presence of bandits is fairly obvious, but their hideout may be nowhere near there. I'd just need you to, without being seen, confirm whether or not they're there. If they are there, I wouldn't expect you to attack them--in fact, that would be bad, because they'd just pack up and leave. Rather, I need to know exactly where they are to send soldiers or whatever. And then..."

She shuffles through the papers again, before coming to another one. "...Some ranchers are reporting seeing a big..thing eating their livestock. But they all claim to have forgotten exactly what it looks like, or really anything other than that it's 'big', which makes it sound to most people like they're just creating a scapegoat for livestock missing for other reasons. On the off chance said 'thing' is actually there and has some kind of memory-altering powers, I figure you could write down a description or at least confirm its existence. On the other hand, if something else is happening to the animals..well, that's pretty important to know too. Now, what else..?"

She eventually finds the one she's looking for, and continues. "...Right. Rumors of graverobbing in the capital. Mainly we have criminals claiming to have seen someone digging up graves, but there's no evidence of tampering in the morning, and once we even exhumed a corpse they claimed had been taken to find it undisturbed. It's all local to a certain region, but..well, if I order soldiers to guard the bodies whoever's doing it will probably get suspicious and move elsewhere, and I'll wind up looking silly. If you did find anything, I'd strongly prefer a capture to a kill. There are inexpensive proper channels to go through to get bodies for necromancy, which is perfectly legal here, so I'm very curious what this person would need bodies for and not want anyone to know about."

Zettai puts down the papers again. "That's the sort of thing I'd want you doing at first. A lot of my more combat-intensive leads involve things too dangerous for someone who's just picked a class, but I'm sure you'd be able to handle them after a bit."

"Um..if you don't mind my a-asking," says Jarod, "What is your, uhm, blood color? I-if it's not too personal."
She looks slightly bemused. "That's not personal at all. I thought you'd have guessed it by now, with the banners all over the place. You know someone's symbol is always in their color, right?"
"Well, um--uh. Yes," he says, quite nervously. Then he hastily adds, "But there's, uh..m- muh- more than one symbol banner around."
"Oh. Well, mine's the one that looks like a circle with a line through it. It means nothing."
"It doesn't mean anything?"
She sighs. "No, it means something, and that something is nothing. Emptiness. A set without any elements. My last name is Tipota."
"It's fine. I used to get asked about it all the time, it's almost refreshing. No one in this kingdom wonders what any symbol means at all. The other banners are..friends of mine, from back home. You know?"


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