Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Ask what all this business with the skin color is about. Also ask about this queen and what relation she is to her. (No necessarily familial.)

After some thought, the wolf-man says, "Ah, well..why do you think I'll be so interesting to the queen? I mean.."
"I cannot say for sure what she wants with gray-skinned people, but the sort of questions I've heard her asking imply she is looking for people from wherever it is she originally came from. And that is, of course, the rumor that has circulated. But it is certain that she will be at least interested, and that is quite enough for me."

She pauses a moment, before saying, "You don't have to worry too much, I think. Even when she doesn't find whatever she's looking for, which is usually, she still tends to treat the person in question rather well. This could be quite beneficial to you, I mean."

"I see..um, wh-what is your relationship to the queen? I mean, that you're.."
"I am the leading member of one of the long-standing noble houses of the kingdom. Since for whatever reason the prior king whom I served handed the crown to her, I am bound to serve her the same I would an actual member of an old house.

"But that's just..stately jargon, to be honest. More plainly, as a member of a long-standing noble house, I have a mutually beneficial political relationship with the queen. My support helps keep the crown on her head legitimate in the eyes of the law and people, and her patronage, as usual, keeps my house and its friends more prosperous than we would do otherwise."

"But you don't..know her very well or anything?"
"We have met a few times, but she isn't much for social calls, I would say. Always busy running or improving the kingdom, which I think has been a pretty good job so far. Really, I think she's better friends with that necromancer out west than any member of the noble houses, and it's probably better that way. Royals have got in trouble from being too good of friends with one house or another in the past, you see."


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