Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Argenteus Wrote:> What about a bakery? I think they carry mustard on-hand, right?
ChrisClark13 Wrote:> Go to the Bakery.

> Buy all the sweet things.

"Do you know any bakeries in town?"
"I believe I do know a few..."
"They should have mustard. And, we could buy sweet things."
The satyr nods. "Certainly, certainly..there are more boring ways to spend an hour..come on, then."

"Right. Well."

Jarod has found himself in the last couple of minutes or so very much rushed into a rather fancy-looking carriage. Another of the noblewoman's bodyguards is manning the horses out front, while he and Miss Rigsby herself sit next to each other in the seats.
"Now that we're on our way, we have some time to properly introduce. My name is Jennifer Rigsby." She offers her hand, which is somewhat hard to catch for a shake in the close, moving quarters.
"Uh..J-jarod. Just..Jarod."
"Pleasure to really meet you, then." She somehow manages a very firm, proper single-shake, and then regards him with a very interested smile, an odd mixture of the pleasant side of curiosity, pleasant politeness and what might be actual friendliness.

"Do you have any questions?"
"Well, uh..first of all, where you found me, what was it..was there, some kind of, crater there?"
"What, you mean a big hole in the ground like when the gods drop things to earth from above? I should say not. It was perfectly ordinary save for a man lying on the ground unconscious."

This gives him a small amount of concern. That doesn't make any sense. Last time there was.. But he shakes his head slightly, deciding to move on to other, more immediately relevant queries.



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