Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Argenteus Wrote:> A set of two rapiers bolted together with a single hilt.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:The six part sword from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.

It's epic and ridiculous.

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carelessHooligan Wrote:>YYou are an Orc! Get some heavy weapons in this show!
martialAcademic Wrote:>Check your proficiency with weapons first.

Neyla pauses to think before answering, and then brings up the screen and, in it, the skill tree. There are a few more skill points available, enough to gain one of the two actually buyable skills, but for the moment she re-rolls the third skill (the electric-leaves symbol). The die settles on 3 and the skill's picture is replaced with that of a spear.

She dismisses the screen with a shrug and then responds, "The last one, I think. And something that can be broken into two swords sometimes, if possible."
"How do you mean?"
"Say..a two-edged blade, which is also two separate one-edged blades held together by some slots and pegs, maybe magnets to help. Can magic make something magnetic?"
"Probably, couldn't hurt to ask." He resumes writing, and after a little more walking they enter what looks like an ordinary blacksmith's shop.

"Hello there, I'd like to order a sword made," says the priest, placing the piece of paper on a nearby counter. The man working the forge looks over. "All this, and whatever other enchantments she wants. Money's no problem."
A woman comes out from behind the forge to the counter and picks up the paper, looking at it for a few seconds, then looking up and regarding the two of them. "Int'resting gift," she says, "what else you want, eh?"


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