Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Would someone who destabilizes the universe make a good chaos god? Or perhaps someone who has completely random magicks?
Argenteus Wrote:The worldbrink mage shall be our disciple of chaos. All bow before Him, avatar of a broken reality.

"Soo, like, does a person have to be a priest of a dead god to replace 'em?" asks Louis.
The priest says, "No, one needs only have the same nature as the dead god--more specifically, one's nature must align very closely with the aspect the god represents. But..our more ancient records indicate the last few replacements were all priests of the god they replaced, so it is most likely."

"How do you mean, 'have the same nature'?" says Jeannette. "Would a person with..very chaotic powers, but not necessarily a priest, be sufficient?"
"Hmm..perhaps. But one's nature is much more than the power one wields; the way one uses their power is more important. Say..a mage with magic somehow faulty, it often has random, unexpected effects. If that mage is a very logical, orderly person, they could never become a scion of chaos. But if someone with the same kind of powers were..more than a little bit unhinged, prone to contradictory actions and the like, that would be a much more likely candidate. I suppose that..say..a person with 'orderly' powers and that personality would be a much more likely scion than a person with chaotic powers and a normal personality."

He stops talking, apparently to catch his breath. The elf leading the group says, "You know, I'm surprised you two didn't ask how I showed up so fast."
"Well, duh, it's 'cause you followed us," says Louis.
"..You're smarter than you look."
"Nah, I ain't that smart. It's just f***in' obvious. You couldn't say 'I don't trust you' any louder with a megaphone."
"With a what?"
"Aah, it's this..cone thing," he says, drawing the shape of a cone with his hands, "you yell in one end and it comes out louder at the other."

"Suppose someone had powers the use of which made one less sane?" says Jeannette, as the priest seems to have regained his breath.
"In that case..I suppose it would depend on how careful one is with using those powers."

As the town comes into view, it becomes clear that the sun is setting. The denser forest only showed a few bits of sunlight, but here the orange in the sky is much more clearly visible.
The elf says, "There is room in the chief's house for two guests, not four. But in view of your help with this, I can put you two up in the boarding house."
The warrior points to a couple of his worse wounds.
"Ah, don't worry. Chief's our best healer here. Knows his way around herbs and salves. He taught me what I know, but I'd rather you get help from the master."
The priest nods. "I am honored. Thank you."

"I am Magether, an incredibly humble clergy-man, and this is my friend Neyla. We're tired of sleeping out in the wild with the increasingly crazy animals." A satyr and an orc stand before an entrance to Laerta. The welcoming woman writes down their stated names and then moves out of the way. Jacob leads.

A short while into the cave, Neyla says, "Is changing your name another act as a chaotic priest?"
"Hee hee, yes. You keep picking this up, girl, you're going to have a hard time dropping things soon. Oh, speaking of things!" He reaches into his shirt and hands her a pebble. "This is my favorite pebble. Well, at the moment at any rate. Later I'm going to absolutely hate it. But I want you to have it now, while it's still my favorite."
Neyla nods and pockets the pebble.


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