Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Kevak Wrote:EAT THE MEAT!
Argenteus Wrote:Seconded.
martialAcademic Wrote:Cut off it's head and skin it's hide. It'll be proof that you did your quest, a bitchin trophy, and a warning to further bears when mounted on a pike. If it worked for Vlad the Impaler it'll work for us. Also you might be able to sell it for money, or possibly even make cool things out of it. Oh yeah, you should probably also talk to the people that almost died, possibly ask why they were almost dying and see if they need an escort somewhere.

Looking at the dead bear makes Louis feel rather abruptly sick for no reason he can immediately think of, so he turns toward the pair of strangers that he jumped at the bear to help out in the first place. "Uh, hey, are you guys okay? The h*** happened, anyway?"
The priest, who on closer inspection looks to be about middle-aged or so, says, "My escort is all right, should heal up in a day or so. I'm.." He takes a look at his right stump. "Well, I'll survive, at any rate."

Jeannette is busy looking around, and pointedly not at any of the dead animal parts. "Where did the vines and arrow come from?"
"That'd be me." The elf woman who "greeted" Louis and Archimedia earlier drops out of the trees, landing neatly next to the priest. To the pair of travelers she gives a small grin and says, "Sorry..I think you had it handled, but I couldn't risk a priest of Solaris getting hurt...well, getting hurt worse."
"Ah.." The priest gets a relieved smile, "you'll be from Haestros, then?"
The elf nods. "I must echo his..somewhat crude sentiment. How did you end up beset by a giant bear, good sir?" She addresses the question to the warrior, who turns to the priest.

"Ah, you'll have to forgive him, he's taken a vow of silence until we reach Laerta...as for the bear, it came out of nowhere and bit my arm off. We were supposed to stop by your town for tonight."
"Well, that can still be arranged." She starts in what is probably the direction of the town; the priest and warrior follow. Jeannette nods at Louis and they follow as well.
Jeannette takes off the necklace, and notices that it has only a very faint glow now. So...it only detects live bears.. She puts it back on. Just in case.

"Why are you headed to Laerta, anyway?"
"I must meet with a priest of La Lune."
"But..They have a major temple down there, it's hardly neutral ground."
"Yes, but it's a major commercial center. It'd look awful bad for them to attack a poor old man around there. Anyway, I've got to meet with them. Something very major has happened in the cosmos, and we must discuss what to do about it."



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