Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Ooh. This is getting good. Telebackstab!
martialAcademic Wrote:> Aggro the bear while your mage and the other party's magic user cast their spells. Stay moving, and when the opportunity presents itself put a portal in the bear's path. If you can hit it while it's distracted try and get a hit to the heart in. I don't know how that meshes with game mechanics, but hopefully it will be a death blow. A bear's heart is located at about an eighth of the body length behind or below the front legs and slightly lower than the center of it's body mass when viewed from the side. If you hit it just right you might also take out a lung.

[Image: 8otywxd.jpg]
Argenteus Wrote:Sec0nded.
Billybob-Mario Wrote:Someone: Receive cool hat of +1 bear phisiology!

The big bear growls. Jeannette says, "That looks..very bad, Louis. We should probably come up with some sort of plan before we--"
"Goin' in." He cuts a hole in the ground underneath him, falling through and out behind the bear, stabbing straight into the bear's back. The blade goes about halfway in; the creature roars in pain and rage, turning halfway around to try and see what just hit it, but the sword and its wielder move with it.

"Whooaa!" He keeps a hold on the hilt, swinging like a pendulum.
Jeannette shakes her head, frowning. "S***." Then she runs around the last couple of trees in the way and stabs the nearest of the bear's legs with the compass, keeping the stab relatively shallow and pulling it out immediately. She ducks back as the bear swipes at her.

Louis' feet scrabble against the bear's back for a bit before getting a firm hold and pushing against it to get his sword out, backflipping onto the ground and popping back to a stand.

The light-armored warrior staggers over to his sword and starts trying to pull it out of the trunk. The man in the robe takes his good hand off of the stump, which has stopped bleeding, and slowly, shaking, picks himself up..still muttering something. "Light of the dawn...morning sun.."

The bear turns fully around and swipes at Louis, who quickly hops back, just out of reach of the swipe. So it kicks him while he's in the process of stopping his hop, and catches him, the impact throwing him into a tree. He lands fairly hard on his back, but manages to get back up fairly quickly. "Oww, f***."
Archimedia comes around next to him. "Idiot, idiot."


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