Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Argenteus Wrote:> Accept the quest.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:>See if you can get the Alien dude to give you another spell before you charge in, like maybe a heal spell actually.

>Also see if you can get a helmet before you dive in, communication is good. (Miscommunication kills)
Kevak Wrote:Lets see if the Alien!Elf would be willing to just cast scaled down spells that we haven't learned yet whenever he can at us.

He's the Niche, from what I gather, his skills change randomly. I bet if we asked him now, he would be unable to use electrical magic for example.

Auleoris takes a moment to look Anansi in the eyes. After a few seconds, he nods.

Turning back to the guard-woman, she says, "Ahm..there's not some other way to get to where the snake is, is there?"
"There's some old maintenance tunnels. Real thin-like, no good for proper mobilization."
"But two people would fit, right?"
"Probably..what, are you thinkin' of goin' in by yourselves? I'll remind ya that thing knocked out some highly-trained guardsmen, miss."
"Well, they weren't expecting it. Anyway, I'm feeling a little crazy right now. But maybe I could borrow one of your helmets and then not refuse to tell you what's going on over there."

She thinks for a moment, and then says, "..Okay, if ya really know what you're doin'. I'll tell Cap about it on the way. You got this?" The last question is addressed to her taller colleague, who nods with a rather strained smile. "Okay, you two. Follow me." With that, the three of them head off along the chamber's wall.

On the way to this town--I guess when you weren't watching?--he hit me with a wind, fire and then a healing spell. I only had enough skill points to actually learn the wind and healing ones, though.


We rejoin the samurai and the mathematician. Jeannette, in front, holds up the necklace, watching for it to glow. Louis holds up the rear, watching for threats and being generally quite bored.

Eventually, of course, he starts trying to make conversation. "Hey, you got any tattoos?"
"Non. I am still too young for such, at least as my parents are concerned."
"Me neither. I just don't feel no need to be in that much pain just to have some image stuck on my skin forever 'till I die."
"True enough, I suppose. But to some the pain is trivial, having endured worse..and some are wise enough to know when a particular symbol will continue to be meaningful, or at least have reason to hope that it will. What brought this on?"
"I dunno. I'm just tryin' to think of somethin' to say. I get bored real easy, and anyway I'm used to runnin' my mouth a lot. It's what makes my show entertainin'; see, it's kinda boring just watchin' someone else play a game, but if you feel like you're in the room with 'em, especially if they seem like they're fun to be around, well, that's different."
"I suppose."
"I don't work alone all that often, either. You know, it's always nice to have a conversation partner. Makes it a lot less awkward. Sometimes when I'm playin' a game by myself I feel like I'm just talkin' into the air. Wonder if it's what some folks feel like when they pray."

"Hm..we have something." Archimedia points to the necklace, which now has a faint glow to it.
"So it glows for somethin'."

She walks in a careful circle, watching the glow increase and then grow fainter, and eventually picks out where it's the brightest and starts in that direction.
"I do not need you to tell me that, Louis."

The glow increases slowly as they walk for a minute or so, before the cat-man suddenly jumps.
Jeannette turns around. "What?"
"Just heard someone yell. Straight that way." He points about where the necklace has been leading them.
"Did they say something?"
"Sounded like pain to me." Without any further prompting, Louis books it in the direction of the scream, requiring Jeannette to start running behind him. She puts on the necklace to free up her arms; it continues to glow brighter.

Another scream is audible to both of them as they get closer. It sounds like a younger male voice. It sounds weak. Then they reach the edge of a small clearing.
Louis stops in his tracks, Jeannette nearly running into him. "Holy s***," he whispers.

A gigantic, pitch-black bear stands over a male human, roughly a third of its height, in badly torn-up light armor, holding the shreds of leather shield in front of him. There is a short sword buried in a tree on the side of the clearing opposite the pair looking in. Another man, with perhaps the ears of a cat, wearing some kind of robes and a stole whose symbol is not quite readable through all the blood, appears to be missing his right arm. He holds his left arm over the stump and is muttering something; his hand is glowing slightly with a white light.


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