Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
martialAcademic Wrote:>The magatama necklece sounds like a good find. Ask if they have anything that's handy for either utility or combat for 35 coins or less. Or you could ask for what's handy for utility or combat in general. There might be something good besides the magatama necklece.
Argenteus Wrote:> Take the drill, the Magatama and the Light. It adds up to exactly the 147 coins you have. The drill is the most important though. That drill is awesome.
Billybob-Mario Wrote:Keep in mind you can come back once you have more cash. Also, you probably want to save at least some for other things.
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:I must agree. Finish your purchases and then begin production of wanted posters.

Aureolis pulls Anansi away from the counter and around behind one of the shelves to talk. "So..most of that is money you made, isn't it? From before the rest of us were in the game?"
"Yes," he says, "Though an amount was earned by the unliving ones we defeated escaping the deadland."
"And..you wouldn't mind if I went and spent all of it to get the best items we've found here? Including the light?"
"I do not at all. We do not have much, so it will only a little to regain as much and use it for other things."
"You think we can make up enough from inside this city in time to get an inn or supper or whatever?"
He thinks for a second or two. "Most likely, yes."

Then they return the counter. The winged woman takes the drill, the light and the necklace and brings them to the middle of the counter. "Okay, so we want these..um..I'm not exactly sure where the knives go.."
The man takes the knives and puts them under the counter. "Do not worry," he sigspeaks, "I can take care of that."
The green elf takes a bag of coins from..well, somewhere anyway, and places it on the counter, opening it up. "I think should be sufficient."
The man takes the bag, puts it somewhere under the counter and pauses a moment before pulling out one of the coins and examining it closely. After a few more seconds, he says, "All good. Thanks!"

Anansi takes the light-marble; Auleoris puts on the necklace and puts the drill away in her inventory. Then they walk outside.

"Okay, so the..input people keep talking about ways to find the person we're supposed to be getting out of the game. Like..drawing a picture of her and showing it to people to see if they recognize her."
"This seems a sensible way to locate a person," says Anansi, nodding.
"Maybe, but would she even look the same in the game?"
"Close enough, I suspect. The reason I look nothing like I normally would is exceptional case."
"Okay, but I can't draw."
"I may be able to help, but I have no materials to do so at the moment."
"Cool. We can figure it out later. Now..what should we do about Elora's note?" Her tone of voice sounds rhetorical, more a cue to herself to start thinking about it than much else.


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