Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Ask if he knows what the asshole we're trying to kill looks like.
Argenteus Wrote:> Seek out a shop, in order to buy supplies which may aid you in your task. A magic shop would be particularly advantageous.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:Go and ask the info center person if there's anything to do here for young, budding, adventurers like yourself and your friend.

"Ahm..I guess a supply shop, or a magic shop or something..but I don't know where those are, so, probably the information center there?" she says, pointing

The green-skinned elf leads the way through the crowds, the winged girl following carefully. Well..I know what she looks like, mostly, if you want to know. I mean, it was in another of those pod things, but I could tell she had a gray skin somehow..and really long, pitch black hair, and I think there was something..orange near her forehead, but I'm not really sure what it was. Too much hair in the way. But I'd recognize the face if I saw it, for sure. She pauses a moment, brushing a bit of hair out of her face. Then again, I have white hair here, so..she might look different in the game? I dunno.

They get inside, and find a room with several counters and several brochures and maps, a couple of which are posted up on the walls. They seem to be maps of the cave city, rather than of the whole world. Most of the counters have someone in front of them, asking this question or not, so the pair go to the one that isn't busy. The woman at the counter--another wolf-person, naturally--has a rather weary look about her, leaning her head on a hand attached to an elbow that's on the desk.

"Welcome to Laerta information center, blah blah, what can I do for ya?" she says in near-monotone, sounding about as bored as she looks.
"Ahm, we're trying to find where some kinds of shops might be around town, or anything to do..?" Aulerois trails off as the woman starts pulling papers out from under her side of the counter and pushing them at the pair.
"Here's a map, an event calendar, a coupon book and a.." She pauses, holding up a piece of white paper folded up into a tiny square. "..Uh, whatever this is. I don't know how it got here but I don't wanna deal with it." Then she hands it over without another thought. "Have a good day and please don't hold up the line so everyone else's day can be good too."

Anansi starts unfolding the square of paper on their way out; the winged girl takes a look at the map, having stuffed everything else in the nebulous inventory system. I don't see a magic shop..they have an enchanted items shop and a "magesmith", whatever that means. Besides that, there's a blacksmith, five or six what look like clothes places, a trader whatever that is, and like thirty different restaurants and a couple of places specialized as food supply for travelers, not all in this part of the cave though, and my sense of direction isn't so great...



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