Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Argenteus Wrote:> "Our names are Magetha and Kristophen. We come as representatives of the nation of -" *looks around* "- Shrub Brickwall"
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:"We are Magetha and Kristophen. We come in search of a criminal. Real doushemonkey. We're gonna kill 'im."
martialAcademic Wrote:>Your purposes are to 1) Not die in the wilderness, and 2) Hug as many people as it is socially acceptable to. Hugs are nice, as is not dying in the wilderness.
ChrisClark13 Wrote:› Just give your real names for goodness's sake.

"Aah, I am Anansi, and my companion--"
"Mageth--err, Aureolis."
"Anansi and Magether Aureolis?" repeats the guard.
"No no, just..just Aureolis. We're..trying not to die in the wilderness."
"What?" he says, confused.
"My friend means we are looking for a place to stay for a night or two. The area is not familiar to us."
"Certainly," responds the man, nodding and writing some notes down on a scroll. "Please, enjoy your stay."

They walk inside. The caves inside are far from dark, lit by a silvery light from spherical lanterns somehow stuck to the ceiling. Some of it seems like a natural cave, but much is regularly cut to make more room, vertically or horizontally, for them to pass.

After a bit, the elf says, "Why did you speak so strangely?"
"The input or whatever was saying a bunch of weird stuff and I got confused. Sorry."
"Oh, that is fine. The influence they have is stronger than mere words, even to knowing of them. I am glad you have not lost mental stability."
"I can't say for sure that I haven't, really." The elf pauses in walking, looking at her with what might be concern, or possibly curiousity. "It's just..this whole..intergalactic-society-testing-us thing, it's still kind of a huge shock. I feel like I've been way too calm about it so far..so, maybe I'm just saving it up for a gigantic nervous breakdown later, when I don't have something more important to do."
"Well. Beings react in a large variety of ways to shock. Perhaps a sufficiently large shock forces calm as no normal response appears valid?"
"Mmh. Maybe."

Before long they find themselves in a larger cavern, more brightly lit, with buildings that seem to have sprouted out from the rock strewn about the street. It seems like just one of many parts of a busy, bustling city; this area, as it's near one of the entrances, has quite a few shops and what appears to be an information center near the middle. Everyone who acts like a local also seems to be a wolf-person, like the guards and the man outside.

"What would you to do first?" asks Anansi, interrupting the winged girl's looking around at the rather unusual sight.


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