Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Unse-Elder strength. Do it. One day you will rule this puny planet. It is your desteny.
Irrevenant Wrote:Elder Strength sounds way too handy to ignore.
Argenteus Wrote:Elder Strength. We fight our own battles, thank you.

After a brief mental deliberation that he'd rather be strong himself than have a thing around whose talking, maybe directly to his mind, could be a problem for his mental health, Jarod takes Elder Strength. And then he opens the door of the stairwell and walks out to the first floor.

He finds himself in some kind of lounge, with a bunch of couches and bookshelves, and he notes the lack of anything like a TV or..anything more advanced than that that he can imagine. There are windows, but outside of them is a quite clearly closed courtyard. So he picks the direction opposite the windows, and looks for a door that way.

Once he's found that door, Jarod walks through it, and through a few more rooms he can't quite make out the purpose of, and eventually finds himself in a room that is almost certainly the antechamber. The windows at the other end of this room, on either side of the door, definitely show a street outside, not another courtyard. There's just one problem.

Standing directly in front of the front door, and indeed blocking most of it from view, is a huge, dark-green-skinned humanoid creature. Bald except for a single, short, kind of ponytail-like bit of hair coming out of the back of his head. With tusks clearly visible coming up from the lower jaw over his upper lips. No visible weapon, in well-kept but plain, non-armor clothes, and he's just standing there with his arms crossed. It's not actually clear whether he's watching Jarod or just staring blankly straight forward, since the door the new Mage came through is in the straight-forward direction.


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