Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!)

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Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!)
RE: Esteem Vissal (a sort of space game) (sign upz)
Username: Weird Alien Phonemes
Faction Name: The Spiritually Renewed Congress of Haliba
Theme Song: Kelly Clarkson – Since U Been Gone
Color: People-Took-All-The-Greens-Before-I-Could-Post-This Green, 71EFB8

Species Name and Description: The Halibar (Note that "Halibar" is the singular, plural, and adjective of the species all in one) are tall bird-esque humanoid creatures. They have two entirely sky-blue eyes except for their rectangular pupil which open and close horizontally. The bottom half of their jaw is stuck in place relative to their head, but their top beak has a ton of flexibility, being able to move a bit on every axis, which allows it to be fairly emotive. Large tufts of fur extend out from the central line of their cranium, from the eyeline to the back of the neck.

Their bodies are very slender, and their limbs are covered in not fur but a form of keratin, built in thin rings around the body, though in arms these rings break up a bit. Near the shoulder, a Halibar's arm is very flat (though only about as wide as half their body), but as it approaches their hand, it rounds out. Their hands have four philangees - 3 long and thin, yet not sharp, fingers, and 1 thumb nearly as wide as the rest of the hand put together. The feet of a Halibar are nearly totally radially symmetric, pointing out in five spokes around what would be an ankle if Halibar possessed a joint there. Instead, each spoke has its own joint.

Individual Halibar are most broadly different, ignoring minute differences in facial structure, through their varied fur color—from a yellow-green to a more foresty-green, generally not changing in value—and their exact limb patterns.

I'm telling you all this but you can just look at a picture. Here's a Halibar in traditional Halibar dress.

In what isn't as visible, Halibar are herbivorous and relatively very resistant to exhaustion, though they don't have too much muscle mass. This makes them very good at long-distance running and tedious physical low-effort work.

Faction History: Many decades ago, the Halibar were a number of entirely different political states who generally prescribed to different cultures. Almost all of these states were secular. Not all of them got along—domestic policy was a complicated thing, with not many states truly that worse off than any other. While they worked in separate agencies, the planet together was approaching the event horizon of becoming a space-faring civilization, having just put permanent colonies on Haliba's various satellites, while simultaneously nearly confirming the presence of alien life in nearby planetary systems.

Suddenly, though, one day, some ships showed up in the sky. A ton of ships. A whole armada, you might say. This day was known by many names throughout Halibar countries, but the one that stuck through history was "The Glorious Siege." Though at face value, this doesn't seem like much of a damning of the day, but many an old Halibar folk tales revolved around the idea of the unjustness of attribution and how not everyone deserving of glory receives it. Noting all contributors wasn't The Golden Rule, but it certainly was at least the Bronze one. While the message doesn't exactly transfer with what happened in reality to the Halibar people to anyone except the most dedicated of literature analysts, the connotation carried, especially with how often the sieging race liked to use the Trilege translation of "glory," that those responsible weren't exactly morally right here. Of course, they didn't know that.

(Trilegi was the partial lingua franca of Halibar, though it's now almost the only language any native speakers hail from.)

The invaders claimed to be The Holy Empire of Enlightened Eazin, and reported that they wished to convert the entire planet to their faith, or everyone would be enslaved and forcefully converted (Of course, they would never say something like this now, but this was ages ago, where slavery was totally accepted). The People's Congresses across Haliba unanimously decided in absolute petrifying fear that the former was the better option here, and sent representatives to the Eazin commanders that they would "face the light" and "never dare to reproach such intelligent beings," effectively falling into an alliance with the Eazin. However, the Eazin "helpfully offered" to help in the proselytizing, and the result wasn't too much a far cry from enslavement anyways.

The Eazin built holy places basically everywhere, and expected the Halibar to visit regularly. They also enacted charter loans to allow native Spiralanian entrepeneurs the capital to build massive farms on Haliba for all of its resources, most numerously its beautiful dyes that the Halibar didn't take too much advantage of, as well as private transportation hubs. Scientific development across the planet was almost totally squashed, which removed any ability for the Halibar to reverse-engineer Eazin technology or at least independently discover it, causing all of their knowledge of the world beyond to depend on their ruling class. And, of course, a secret Eazin police was founded to prohibit antitheist speech and investigate possible dissentors.

Since these new Eazin jobs offered so many benefits that the Halibar hadn't been able to dream of having, technological or otherwise, nearly all of the working class jumped at the opportunity to be employed, and it must be admitted to the Eazin, there was basically no unemployment. Honestly, life under Eazin wasn't all that bad for being so blatantly imperialized, but no one was all that happy about it anyways. They had become infantilized when they were so close to truly making a mark on galactic history. And if anything got on the Halibar's nerves more than anything, it was that Eazin treated Haliba like a single uniform nation. And as a result, it became true. Administrative borders dissolved, and the Halibar cultural identity became one.

It's been years since the start of that era, and Eazin has lifted much of its direct "assistance" on Haliba over this time, technically allowing it to be independent. But in reality, the very few Eazin individuals who still run these corporations are the ones that control the economy of the planet. At the very least, the Haliba gained enough control to have their own representative at The Council, portraying themselves as The Spirtually Renewed Congress of Haliba. Obviously, the "Spiritually Renewed" part was entirely in-name—if The Holy Empire asked, they were still vigorous followers of the true faith, but basically no one actually was. The holy buildings have become asecular meeting halls and youth centers, places where people griped about Eazin more than celebrated them. But the effective world government still knows that it has to keep the image up if it doesn't want to be decisively wiped out with their nigh inexistent defense force.

Home Planet: Haliba - B5; A generally average habitable planet, though perhaps with more mountains than your usual. The world is split up into some ten or so small continents. 61% of Halibar live in concentrated metropolises, while 28% live in Eazin farming compounds, basically cities of their own rights (though they're wider spread).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Esteem Vissal (a sort of space game) (sign upz) - by Reecer6 - 05-20-2016, 10:39 PM