Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!)

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Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!)
RE: Esteem Vissal (a sort of space game) (sign upz)
Username: Rbst Lsr
Faction Name: Pharmer's Market XXX Cheap Galactic
Theme Song: Unpronounceable - They Might Be Giants
Color: #34A34A
Species Name and Description: You enter the shiny building. The message you got said it would be where to go to get what you need on the cheap, but nobody's there. Just an empty chrome room, with a lot of very gaudy posters, promising effective treatment, and a plain countertop. Maybe this isn't the right place. You turn around to leave, but can see something is now glowing, and you turn again. It looks kind of like an Eazin, but with faint traces of other species attached- no, more like photoshopped on. It's coloured oddly, too. Primarily a hot neon pink, with some greens in there, too. Best not stare too long, if that doesn't hurt your eyes, the flickering might. Or maybe the weird... diethering around it. And then, a voice, that doesn't seem to know what tone to take. "Welcome! PRODUCT is here now! State your business, and have BETTER LIFE."
Officially the 'AdAware' but they have a tendency to just be called spambots. This is, of course, reductionary, but makes sense, given how they are and came to be.
Technically, the AdAware live inside networks. They're programs. But they have a physical presence, and that is via hard light technology that allows them to project holograms of themselves. There doesn't need to be line of sight with a projector or anything it's science don't worry about it. There is only a certain radius they can go from a projector on a network they're in, so generally they just take the projectors with them. Can't get too far from one if you're bringing it with you.
As for their projected appearance, they've figured out what to look like the same way they learned to speak and build and everything else. They watch others. The AdAware look like they've been photoshopped together out of other races features. Heavy Eazin features are common sights, as are tentacley things that you've never seen before, but travelling AdAware are less likely to have a form like that. But you can tell it's not actually that species for a few reasons. One: They're kinda... dithery? Like, somebody saved with too low jpeg compression. Two: They flicker. This seems to just affect what's visible, not what's solid. However that works. Finally: The colors. AdAware come in two types of palettes: Pastel, and neon. They are... a sight to behold.
They speak kind of like their speech has been run through a bad automatic translator. Because it has. The way they learn does not necessarily mean they grasp the intricacies of how languages work. You'll get the meaning generally fine, but it's pretty much an automated process. Elegance will be lost.
Personalitywise, they still vary, they're sapient self-aware beings, but there are some recurrances. For example, most of them are friendly. As spambots, they were meant to act friendly and sociable, so, y'know, people wouldn't just ban them immediately. But also, most AdAware have this slight urge to sell. It's why trade was such an obvious choice, but even those who don't go into marketing or trade have it. So don't be surprised if you're having a casual conversation with your bot friend and in the middle of a sentence they suddenly blurt out that you should buy this new improved PRODUCT. It's practically a verbal tic.

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Home Planet: A5, Cth'leoth. A fairly swampy planet that's just kinda spooky. Foggy swamps, and forests that don't prosper with foliage, and deserts that seem to go on forever. The wildlife here looks suitably monstrous, but is generally more docile than it appears. Yes, it's entire face is teeth, but it's more afraid of you than you are of it.
There are a lot of remnants of a dead civilization that's rather high-tech, and these cities are rather jarringly 'normal' looking to the spooky shit that surrounds it. Two moons, one of which reflects sunlight in a grim blood-red color. A tourism industry is starting to build up on it.

haha i wrote too many words

Messages In This Thread
RE: Esteem Vissal (a sort of space game) (sign upz) - by Robust Laser - 05-20-2016, 12:23 PM