PersonS {A Rejected Title and a False Explanation}

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PersonS {A Rejected Title and a False Explanation}
RE: PersonS {Nearly Awkward Pauses and Rumors}
(05-19-2016, 02:40 AM)OrangeAipom Wrote: »Ignore the text file fairy's advice. Refuse to open up.
(05-19-2016, 02:40 AM)ForestGardener Wrote: »Letting him know he's right will make him feel good and thus be more disposed to answer your questions. No harm in people knowing that stuff anyway.
(05-19-2016, 02:45 AM)OrangeAipom Wrote: »Try to make him admit that he knows how your parents died. Gotta find out if that shock value is still possible.

Why did Nene get a whole dorm building to herself? What did she do?

Is Lea... uh... you know... seeing anyone? with her tits?
(05-19-2016, 03:10 AM)ForestGardener Wrote: »Anything not-obvious about Wisteria I should know? This is my first time attending a magnet school, and my first time living in a new, planned city.
(05-19-2016, 08:33 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Making friends is good, but I'm not sure if OJ here really wants to be your friend or if he's just fishing for gossip. If you're going to do this, quid pro quo. Ask him something about himself, first, like... I don't know...

"Orion? That's an unusual name."

You feel a little suspicious of his motivations, so you elaborate on your answer in a way that tends to draw sympathy. "Yeah, my last family said they were gonna keep me through next summer and then decided they didn't want to."
"Aw, man, that sounds rough," he said. "Well, at least the program they put you in for this won't run out until after you're legal, right?"
Instead of tell him that is also true, you ask him about himself. "How did you get named Orion?"
"Hm? Oh, well, y'know how my last name is Jones? My dad had a boring first and middle name too, so he wanted to name me after a constellation instead of doin' the same thing to me. Uh, my mom thought people would tease me for it, but nobody really does unless you count the nickname 'OJ', an' I don't."

"So, how did Nene get a dorm to herself in the first place?" you ask.
"Well..I think it was just random luck. Some people say it's 'cause she's buddies with the librarian, but I don't buy that. I mean, since when did a librarian have any power in what the school does? It's pretty much just a retirement job to keep busy from what I hear. Anyway, she was only there alone for a month before Leatrice moved in."
"About her..." you decide to see how he'll react to this kind of question. "Is Lea single?"
"Yyyeah, but..." He looks around as if checking for anyone else listening. "Dude, I know and you know she's prolly the hottest girl goin' to Wisteria, but I'm not sure she knows? Like, whenever someone asks her out she just acts confused and then says she's too busy. Well, I mean, anyone but me."
"What happens when you ask her out?" you ask, since he seems to be begging for that question.
"The same thing that happens when I ask any girl out. 'No, go 'way'." Orion laughs. "Nobody's int'rested in me, an' they all know I'm harmless." He doesn't sound upset about that at all. You get the impression he's either accepted this situation at some point or somehow manufactured it on purpose, though you can't imagine a reason for the latter.

"...Anything you think I should know about Greenhaven? I've never really been through here before."
"Well.." He appears to be working hard to pick out important information from a flood of ideas on what to tell you. "You can get, like, anywhere in town on the trains, and students ride free all day, but there's a midnight curfew on weekdays. Uh, there's this cool place called the Retrocade, you pay ten bucks for admission there and they have this huge collection of old arcade cabinets you can play as much as you want. Uhh, you sound kinda like you're from the north, you ever had tex-mex?"
"Once or twice."
"Aww, man, you gotta try it 'round here. Nothin' like it. I could show you a couple good places later on if you want. I mean, y'know, if I'm not just botherin' ya here." So Orion did notice your generally standoffish tone, which implies he's not entirely oblivious. He's just not shy about wanting to talk.
"We'll see," you shrug.

The train comes to the stop the school is at, and both of you get off and head inside, Orion saying "See ya later, huh?" before running off down the halls.

Wisteria Academy is enclosed by a fence, with the name of the school in ornate lettering above the presently-open gate. Just behind the gate there is a courtyard area with trees and grass, a few benches, and a collection of tables near what is probably the cafeteria. The school itself seems to consist of about three or four buildings connected by sections of sidewalk with metal coverings built over them.

The building nearest the center looks important and old enough to be the administrative one, which is where you'll probably need to go to figure out your classes. But there are still a few minutes before school starts, so you could probably wander around and explore a bit first if you wanted to.



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