Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!)

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Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!)
Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!)
The age of war is over.

The Esteem Vissal Sector, home to an uncountable amount of lives, and a diversity unlike any other, has survived the 3X Conflict unscathed.

The result of the three long years of conflict is a kind of peace, but not a whole peace.

The three great empires who ruled and oversaw the star sector are weakened, licking their wounds, trying to ensure that the world around them stays the same, and that when they recover, they can return to their glory.

To facilitate this, the Esteem Vissal Galactic Council has been formed, and representatives from all known planets and factions have been invited.

The three great empires hope to appease them, keep them sated, and prevent any new power from rising in their time of weakness.

And of course, many factions join the council, with hopes of clawing their way to power, and eventually dethroning the three that sent them to a now meaningless war.

The short lived age of war is over, but a new age has begun, and only time will tell who will rise into power and who will hold the Esteem Vissal Sectors fate.

Welcome to the Esteem Vissal Sector, a star sector with an unprecedented amount of diversity in life and technologies and home to three powerful empires, the Pretelliete Corporation, The Holy Empire of Enlightened Eazin, and The Autonomous Core. After dividing up the various species and planets in the sector, tensions rose and war between the three began. After three years of war and no significant ground gained on any side, the now weakened powers decided to regroup and in an effort to appease those under them, formed a unified galactic council, hoping that this would buy them enough time to regain their former influence and glory.

You are some sort of faction, a planetary government, an upcoming empire, a megacorp, or whatever else you want to be, and for the first time in your lifetime, you see a chance for you and your people to escape the life of servitude. While life under whichever of the three great empires held sway over you wasn’t terrible, it also wasn’t ideal, and it would be very foolish to not take even this slightest chance to overthrow them. But you can’t do it alone, thankfully, it is an open secret that you are not the only faction who wants to rise in light of these newly weakened empires, but in order to pull this off, you’ll have to play the game, even in their weakened state, each of the three empires hold great military strength, and it is only through cunning that they can be defeated.

The game will be split into two types of turns, one in which players communicate publicly in the galactic council and attempt to use legislation to further their individual goals and one in which players privately communicate and perform actions to sabotage other players and the three empires, gain, to further their individual goals.

As explained, gameplay is split into two phases Council and Faction.

The Council phase will begin with the introduction of a problem by me, players will attempt to solve the problem in a way that either benefits them or inhibits someone else. There aren’t numerical resources or any sort of count of them, but a player's resources are what would be believable for them to have, because that's whats easiest for me.

The Faction phase will begin after the council makes a choice, and will consist of spies travelling to other planets to see what they’re up to and your faction using your vague resources to develop something that would get you closer to whatever goals you have. For now, it’s a bit fast and loose, obviously.

An example of a council phase would be me saying that animals have space rabies and solutions need to be made. The Autonomous Core suggests that they turn all of the animals into robot animals, which furthers their goals of wanting more robots while PretCorp suggests to pull resources into a cure that they’d own and sell for profit. Players would suggest things that they’d want and try to come to a compromise and get whatever vague rewards if applicable.

An example of a faction phase would be the Holy Empire developing subliminal messaging to put into their popular VR Dramas, which would more directly earn them the vague reward of “people are more compassionate towards you” or whatever the goal of their subliminal messaging would be. Private discussions and partnerships would also be allowed, so the Holy Empire and PretCorp could pool their resources together to make 1-1 tracking on mechas, to get more military power.

In addition to more regular issues, there may occasionally be events of catastrophic proportions, like a sun exploding, which may require players to reveal secret technologies that they had been holding back, and will also allow me to considerably weaken the three empires, probably.


[Image: esteemmap00.png]


Sign up sheet
[b]Faction Name[/b]:
[b]Theme Song[/b]:
[b]Species Name and Description[/b]:
[b]Faction History[/b]:
[b]Home Planet[/b]:
In addition to filling this sheet out, you should also send me a PM with your planned goals and sort of resources, so I can make sure it all checks out. This doesn’t mean that you can’t list them in faction history or home planet, feel free to mention that your people produce and distribute video games or that their home planet has a lot of food on it, or that they worship and long for the inevitable heat death of the universe to come closer, just, also send that info to me worded in a way that's like, “i want this for my faction” so that i can keep track of that separately.
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons

Messages In This Thread
Esteem Vissal (space game) (im very sorry!) - by Solaris - 05-19-2016, 08:00 PM