Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory

Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Sweet and Sour Victory
RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we?
The realization that you wasted an entire day and nearly died over a big fat lie only adds fuel to the fire of your inner hurricane of negativity. When you’re told you’re going to see a specific type of dimensionaly impossible architecture you expect to see that specific type of dimensionaly impossible architecture. You were supposed to find an internal structure so mind bendingly large that it would have shattered your fragile little sanity like so many sugar wafers. Instead, you find the poor man’s shack. So poor, in fact, he could only afford to make the inside smaller than the outside… That analogy didn’t quite work, but that’s just because of how pissed you are.


Codex: "Your emotional status (or just status for short) shows your current emotional and mental state. Your status will affect how you socialize and speak to other people. Example: with the status effect of PISSED any dialogue spoken by you will be belligerent and hostile. The status may be changed by performing certain actions, such as watching a comedy film to gain the status effect of JOVIAL. Only extreme status effects will affect your actions. The status effect of TERRIFIED will prevent you from climbing into the Gaping Stone Mouth of Eternal Wailing Nightmares while the effect of AFRAID will still allow you to be coaxed into it. Some actions may only be performed with a specific status effect."

Quote:> Stop being pissed off about it.

Yeah, this isn’t helping. You came out here with a job to do and being upset isn’t going to help anything. You’ll need to have an open mind to get through this. There has to be a way to calm down, and you have the perfect idea.


Stat Tat
Codex: "Because of your past experience with *ahem* substances, you have a working knowledge of chemicals and powders; specifically of the mind altering variety. Because of this you are able to grind any item in your inventory into a fine powder that will apply the MELLOW status to anyone it is used on. This status can be interrupted by another, how long it lasts uninterrupted depends entirely on what item is used. Be careful which items you sacrifice, it could be something you need later. You will not lose anything for this application, however. The first one’s always free."

You take a handful of powder and smear it over your face while inhaling deeply. A feeling of absolute calm washes over you as the powder works its magic. Who’s pissed? Certainly not you. You feel how a sage on a mountaintop must feel; a feeling of deep enlightened understanding of all things while not actually understanding anything at all. You also feel a little hungry.


You know what? Maybe you were a little hasty earlier. Maybe the shack being bigger on the inside was a metaphor. You don’t know how this stuff works. It can’t be easy making something smaller on the inside. For all you know, entire universes of space might be needed and interwoven to the mini-infinite reality of compressed space. Maybe more space is what less space is made of. You sure could go for a peanut butter panini right now.

Quote:> Check if pistol has bullets or not by looking down the barrel and pulling the trigger.

You know what? Why not? Normally this would strike you as an incredibly bad idea, but you just feel so mellow right now that you’re up for anything. You pull the pistol out of your inventory and gaze down the barrel. You could check to see if it’s loaded by popping the clip out or absolutely any other way, really, but that just doesn’t seem as fun. It’s too dark down the barrel to see if there’s a bullet in it; only one thing left to do. You pull the trigger as you look into the gun expectantly. A small pole with a flag tied to the end pops out. The flag has the word “BANG” printed on it in big, comical letters; how fun. What an incredibly delightful and whimsical surprise. Unfortunately the tiny pole pops out with such force that it lodges itself deep into your forehead.


As your precious, precious thought juices start dripping down over your face, you let out a high-pitched, girlish scream. Waving your arms around, you start running in circles, however, even with your IQ steadily declining you realize that running in circles isn’t getting you anywhere. You then proceed smash through the door into the forest night all the while still waving your arms and screaming. The owl you heard earlier spots you. Unfortunately your dying throes of pain and agony match this particular owl species’ mating call and dance. Seeing a potential cuddle buddy, the lonely owl swoops down and grasps your writhing carcass in its talons. With a flap of its mighty wings, it carries you away over the trees and through the moonlight sky. When it finally reaches its nest, the owl begins the mating ritual by burying you in its hoard of tootsie pops. Then it lays eggs in your brain. Ah, young love.


You squeak out a pitiful cry as your hands fly up to your forehead. Yet another terrifying and disgusting vision. Why is your subconscious imagination so grotesque? Why do you keep blacking out and having these episodes? Do you need to get professional help, or something? And does your gun seriously not fire bullets? That’s just stupid.


Quote:> Try to open the floor's trapdoor, preferably while not on it.

Yeah, something possibly productive might help take your mind off whatever that was. You drop down to your knees and examine the trapdoor. It might not be as trapish as other trap doors; it has a noticeable brass knob sticking out of it. Maybe more of a trap considering the knob is a tripping hazard. A trapish trip door? The wood of the door is worn and faded while also covered in the loose dirt, dust, and sawdust scattered around the rest of the floor. The knob is heavily smudged. You quickly rub it with your sleeve before grabbing it. With a quick turn and a tug you open the door outward to reveal another door beneath.

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RE: Noise Lights: A Text Adventure- Now where were we? - by typeandkey - 05-18-2016, 04:45 AM