Full Immersion [for what it's worth]

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Full Immersion [for what it's worth]
RE: Full Immersion [Archive dump in progress!]
Argenteus Wrote:> Offer to help her with the cleanup
The Froggy Ninja Wrote:Agreed one must always be a gentlemen after all.
Irrevenant Wrote:Who is Miss Jen and how did you come to be in her room?

"Uh, can I help you..?" The maid's movements are very precise and swift; by the time he manages to ask the question she somehow already has all of the sheets and the pillowcase folded over her arms, and the comforter hanging off the foot of the bed.
"Don't worry none, I'm good at me job," she says, and starts leaving the room.
"So..who is Miss Jen, anyway?" asks the wolf-man, followings.
"She's a right true noble, she is. Always lookin' for a leg up in court, but nice enough, right? Just likes things a cert'n way."

The hallway outside of the bedroom is just as ornate. "And..what am I doing in her house?"
"Well, tell is you were found passed out outside town, right? Some nice merchants brought you in to see if anyone knew ya, an' Mizz Jen insisted you could stay here till you were better."
"That's very nice of her.."
"It ain't all kindness, sir. See, she was interested 'cause your skin."
"Yeah, your complexion, like? It's pretty rare to have one like that. Queen has it too. Every time lately someone pops up with a complexion like yours, they say, 'er Majesty gets real interested and invites 'em for a meal. Rumor is she's lookin' for someone from wherever it is she come from."

She opens a door that at first glance looks like a wall into a small, much-more-plain-looking room, and walks only a couple of steps in to drop the clothes down some sort of chute sticking up out of the floor on one side of it before coming back out, the door shutting itself behind her.

"There we are now. She's off doin' some politic at th' moment, can I get you anything meantime?"


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